World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

Totally, AGREED!!! It was much more fun when the factional war was not right in our faces all of the timme.

Of course this thread was posted by a Horde rogue, LOL! The game’s PvP is already dead because of Horde outnumbering the Alliance, so there really is no faction conflict, and there has not been one for years. Zero incentive for Alliance to want to fight the Horde because of Blizz bias that has been going on for a while, so it makes sense to just say screw it and remove faction conflict all together. The “conflict” has been so boring and one sided for long enough.

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I just want to play Draenei and Humans and be able to group with friends :frowning:

Game is convoluted garbage and with factions not really mattering or being at “war” it’s just dumb. I have 2 accounts expiring in 2 days and unless I get a wild hair I have zero interest in even looking at the xpac. It’s too close to the release of Cyberpunk 2077 anyways.

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Are you being serious?

This is actually being considered?

World of Warcraft started with a major faction conflict.

And it’s not ridiculous. At least, not at the start.

Orcs invaded Azeroth through the Dark Portal. They came to take over Azeroth.

Only a number of human kingdoms with some elven allies, gnomes and dwarves came to their aid to protect their world.

A bunch of time passes, and orcs are now in Azeroth, but they are still at war (at best) they are like coldwar neutral.

You expect though, (outside of major emergencies) that two major groups after fighting for so long are just going to work together (even if there is some sort of new peace?)

Maybe over time (but not immediately). Like, if your a blood elf and you have been fighting the alliance for a very long time (a group of people who might have killed some of your really good friends, lovers, or family)

and now because of politicians (so to speak) in Azeroth, your just going to welcome a bunch of people that caused so much real pain in your life with open arms.

That makes no sense.

Any kind of “peace” at this point should be treated more like a cold war. Where hostilities could open up again at any time and at best (no one is going to work with each other) except for maybe Emergency measures like (saving the world).

If there’s no faction war, then this game is not world of warcraft anymore. It doesn’t matter if there is no clear winner at any real point.

If this happens (like permanent), I’ll be done with this game.

The faction war is pointless without casualties. Our playable characters cannot die. I’d be up for a forced hardcore mode that deletes the character and achievements upon death. This way, the new character we create will feel like a new recruit in the war. I doubt the community will accept this anyway.

Uniting both factions will make more sense in the long term story telling. A faction war will feel very repetitive unless we create new characters and heroes after the deaths of existing ones.

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Apparently Necromancer is now a playable class.

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Un-killable characters that comes back from the dead every time they die is complete nonsense from a story telling point of view.

It works quite well in video games where game play is the focus of development.

Yeah I totally agree with you. If this is serious I would appreciate a more thorough discussion on this matter.

You can reach me on Moonguard, horde side Sravak.

They get rid of the faction conflict, they will destroy WOW.

I’ll just leave.

We get small changes through the faction War that can easily be undone talking to a dragon.

They could still have the faction conflict but be United for PVE.

World of Warcraft has outmatched any and all predictions. it has been on the market for 16 years and still makes billions every year. It really doesn’t matter if it “dies” at this point. Maybe if it did, Blizzard would get more creative.

BFA was their last chance to make the faction conflict relevant.

They couldn’t even keep it going for a single patch.

How is it necessary for the life of the game, again?


I hated those ‘Sparkly Ponies’.

I remember people being very excited for a faction conflict expansion when they first saw the BfA cinematic. Funny how that turned out. lol

Can’t believe this thread is still going to be honest. …Oh. :no_mouth:

Seems it was necroed seven days ago. Folks please be mindful of the date of the post when you reply to a thread like this. I encourage people however to continue this discussion with a newer thread. It’s definitely a consideration.

You know … I really do just have to agree with you. And, definitely a Blizzard bias on the factions; never seen them play Horde - ever - only Elwynn Forest on Gnomes and Humans. HUMANS!! Wth for? So, yeah, a new frontier for WoW is needed. SL has a pretty good chance of doing just that. We shall see.

Warcraft dies without the race war? You sure about that?

It almost died in an expansion about faction conflict.

“Hell yeah brother I surrrreee do love killing these alliance/horde scum while I do muh questing/world chores! Wpvp is the best and only true form of gameplay there is in this game.”

Why can the only war that defines us be the one against other races that share our world? I see people say “the horde” is not from our world and I point to trolls, tauren, goblins, blood elves, vulpera, nightborne. All of these are descended from Azeroth.

The faction war is silly and something that both sides have clearly been manipulated into from the earliest days for the benefit of those who seek to conquer or destroy our world. Have there been terrible things done by both sides? Yes there have. Are they traceable to those same manipulations? Every time.

Let our struggle against those manipulators define us. Let us carry the banner of war forward to those trying to harm us all (while still having our internal fracases of course, old hurts run deep). But at long last let those who lead us stop being led into the obvious bad decisions by “red bad/blue good” or the contrawise.

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