World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

Because wow factions are based on race so obviously you could never agree with a tauren when your a human, they are different and all that.

We also have to ignore that everyone who matters in the story can freely communicate with the other faction, like languages can be learned.

Adding the option for your character to pick their side just means you can be an orc fighting with humans against sylvanus, or a dwarf fighting the alliance because the horde pays better etc.

Also 90% of the other factions in the game are both horde and ally. Twilight Cultists will take all who have faith, would paladins not take converts to the light?

I get, it your real attached to your fantasy race war, but this will be good for players the same way letting horde side with or fight sylvanus has been.

You are also a player, you can stick with your faction, but then you also have more choice, and if you don’t want it personally, dont deny it to others who do, just because you personally feel some type of way about it.

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Doing away with the factions will breath new life into this game. What we need next is for all races to be able to be all classes, since they retcon their own lore all the time why limit player choice?

World of Warcraft was originally designed to be a multiplayer RTS that re enacted famous historical battles.

it was envisioned to be a shelf filler of games from different actual historical eras.

then they went Orcs versus humans crazy.

wow wont die. because classic will be there to be the loop hole that keeps the idea alive~~~

The death of factions will be the beginning of rebirth for WoW. What Blizzard chooses to do with the 2nd life WoW will have, is completely and entirely up to them. Don’t get your hopes up with this development and management team though.

Which is why they’d never shoot themselves in the foot by destroying one of their most unique features, even if there was a ratio of people that preferred factions to end.

Let’s be real; the faction split is only a “unique” feature because other developers are completely aware of how backwards and unintuitive the practical implications are when there’s no real payoff. Why would any game implement factions the way WoW has? Most of the things it’s used for - matchmaking and whatever - can be, and are, superseded by more efficient, flexible or reliable systems in most cases. If the split’s primary function is limited almost entirely to a list of people you can’t play with or communicate on a character, of course no-one else will do it.

I’m all for a faction-y split in a game where it matters and your choice on what side to pick is an integral part of the experience, but WoW does everything it can to make it not matter. To call it a legacy feature at this point would be generous.


No, it doesn’t. /thread

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Well, not an end to Factions. But an end to the pointless war. Some shared language and the ability to visit some cross faction cities would hurt nothing. They really need to do something new.

Would really like to see them expand on Neutral spaces that aren’t Dalaran. Like do a complete rework of the Steamweedle Cartel hubs as Neutral hotspots.

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Just because the players aren’t tied to it anymore doesn’t mean the faction war story has to end.
The players should become neutral, like we basically have been in the past. And the war can continue without us.

Opt in PvP and Warmode can stick around, and so can Faction conflict. Just don’t tie the players to it.

Also, OP the title is over dramatic, I SINCERELY doubt World of Warcraft will die, if you practically double its available player base by letting people play together for once.

ESO, RIFT, WildStar, FFXIV, And so on would like a word with you.
The factions aren’t unique, they’re just foolish and they serve only to limit what percentage of the player base you get to play with.

When the primary endgame of WoW is cooperative, that’s a bit of a silly idea, isn’t it?

But it is nowhere near it’s peek which was the End of Wrath at 12 million active subs, we’re around 1-2 million and holding steady.

meh, 15 years ago, played it then, loved world PVP then, keep the past in the past or play Classic.

You are missing half of the story, I guess you only played Horde back then. Back in Vanilla (Classic is the new version, Vanilla was in 2004), the Alliance players leveling 0-55 (because no quests after 55) didn’t face off against Horde NPCs unless you played Night Elves.

The Horde on the other hand has always faced off against Alliance NPCs. The game is very different to players of the different factions.

In TBC the Alliance didn’t face off against the Horde except in rare occasions ie Dreanei Start Zone, and the stuff in Terokkar Forest where Blue elves fight Red Elves. (turns out the red elves weren’t even horde after the fact same with Azuremyst islands.)

As far as half the game, the conflict is random and temporary to start with, and frankly forcing PVP through bad writing has gotten to be bothersome.

Yes, you can still have War without the major Factions being at war, just look at the news, The Major Factions haven’t been at war with each other offically since 1945, yet the amount of Wars now is greater than any other time in History. And our world is technically at peace.

No, WOW is an RPG, and it’s time to treat the game like one, it’s never been a battle simulator.


The removal of factions would be the end to my sub.


The only reason I can see that they would merge the factions is because A.) that’s the direction they’ve been pushing the story for quite a while now, and B.) they continually shoehorn us into small zones where they don’t have to create a lot of things for us to do, we just have to do them over and over and over and over and over again. Merging factions would allow them to continue making small zones with no effort, but we would share the same camps and NPCs which would cut the development time, effort, and cost by half.

Would that “kill” WoW? Potentially, but it’s hard to say. People still think Classic will kill Retail, but everyone knows that won’t happen, either. IF they merge factions and IF they put effort into how they do it both game-wise and story-wise, then it isn’t likely to be as big an issue. With the current trend, though, it’s hard for me to have a lot of confidence in them putting much effort into it at all.

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I will always look to real world examples in wondering what the future holds… RS3 splitting into OSRS is the best example we have and Jagex implementing sweeping changes to RS3 put that game on life support with the overwhelming majority of their playerbase fleeing back to the systems they know with OSRS…

Remove factions, I guarantee retail joins RS3 in life support status.

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Retail dies and Classic begins, then blizzard can resale us the same game and everyone will swallow it whole. While blizzard laughs maniacally.

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I would love if the factions desolve

Just cause someone is an orc or a goblin doesn’t mean I should fight them just because. They are on the other side of the fence but doesn’t mean they are evil or should die.

I should judge them on their character of values alone :grinning:


Ok but this doesn’t have to go anywhere, the player just wouldn’t be tied to it 100% of the time. The idea is to have player choice, instead of it being automatic based on your race, my guy.

It’s more like going into taco bell and learning there’s a whole 50% of the menu that you couldn’t order from before.

The PC has killed thousands of opposite faction soldiers.

Seems a bit too late for that now.