World of Warcraft dies with if they remove the faction conflict

I don’t think that factions should be dissolved, but it would be cool to have a feature like EQ2 has where you can switch sides or maybe a mercenary system of some sort.

All I know is that I’m being held hostage on the alliance by my friends. I just want to play an orc.

Send help.



I would play that. LOL

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they can do that, it would made a better story, but they ddn’t

tahts why the faction theme being bad now is not because the theme in general is bad, it becase being handled and written bad.

Its basically a worse rehashed story of MOP because devs think “they didn’t explore too much about what define us blablablabla”

A vast majority of WoW’s life there has been little to no faction conflict. It’ll be fine.


Good man.

I tired of the faction war about 4 years ago, and ever since I just ignored it and help out the other side whenever I can. Whether a mob is tagged or not, I help to kill it. Blizzard removing the faction restrictions would simply support my current play style. Hey, they have War Mode, why not Peace Mode? Allow people to play how they wish.


Just supporting this. The faction war is old hat and boring. No ground is gained or lost in the “war” and I’d be happy to see it go away.


honestly you can try to but as far back as I can remember I don’t think I’ve ever had to be in a raid with both horde and alliance as we take down a world ending threat

you might need to get your eyes checked, or you’re an NPC

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man the population of azeroth must be reproducing like rabbits to keep their armies up.

Forget the reproduction of people. Where are they getting all of their war resources? Food, wood, metal, and labor. Azeroth should be stripped bare after 5+ years of non-stop combat and wars. I’m surprised Westfall hasn’t given Stormwind the proverbial middle finger

Alliance and horde generally work together to fight large threats while having skirmishes outside of SoO and what appears to be SoO2 coming up. I’d be fine with a sort of “cease fire” where they arent officially at war, but there are still tensions. Maybe bad actors on both sides trying to instigate conflict while Anduin, Jaina, Thrall and Saurfang try to hold things together. Then again that could still lead to war inevitable war.

You are cute to actually believe I have the power to change this game. Lmfao.

As if it’s not already changed so much for the worse. Sounds like you are blind. I am doing more content than you are or have been and I actually loved this game. :wink:

It’s people like you that should go play a new game because you are ruining mine.

I don’t want to be locked into the faction divide and am all for removing overt faction conflict. However, you don’t just throw a switch and eradicate over a decade of conflict.

Just give the players agency. Learn to fork questlines to fit said agency. Let the players shape their alliances.

This would be a slow process as the game evolves and an organic one for the player-character.

It would be a much more challenging environment to script and design for. I’d like to see Blizzard rise to the occasion.

Horde players have caused this to happen. Alliance is on life support right now.

We dont need to be mixed together to help each other…Legion is an example. You silly forsaken.

I was horde main throughout MoP, and ill have to disagree. At the start you are fighting alliance. You discover a new landmass and have to gather allies, the main bulk of the both forces wouldn’t arrive till karasong wilds. There were those dailies that were actually about fighting alliance etc. Horde is slowly going volatile from within because Garrosh’s actions etc. Jaina eventually does what she does in dalaran causing more strife between the 2 factions. Then you have the Throne of thunder stuff where both forces are still at odds. You mock the horde who looked for allies to help stabilize the horde and end the “senseless” bloodshed that was the MoP war campaign. By the time SoO happend, Garrosh’s forces were too strong for rebels to even have a chance, thats why they sought the alliance’s aid, both groups had a common goal, de-throne Garrosh.

The thing that was good about the horde side, was the fact you started out as “heck yeah we are the horde”, to it slowly developing conflicted feelings, that’s kinda what war does to ya (example Vietnam war). Alliance’s side of the story was actually the opposite, unifying the Alliance. While they were a team they were a team born because of necessity, and didn’t really care about each other (to a point).

Typing this out really points out the BFA story points that were re-hashed from MoP. And yes i am sorry for a wall of text that ended up jumping all over the place.


At that point it becomes World of KumbayaCraft, or World of PeaceCraft.

The faction conflict is the primary point. Complain about BFA all you want, but this is been the most WarCraft expansion ever.

It’s got more problems than you can shake a stick at, but the devs’ hearts were in the right place.

I don’t even understand how people think faction conflict matters at all in this game. The story is worse than a 50 cent ebook off amazons 195th page in the books section, they’ve pulled so many contrived excuses to keep the faction war going that it’s just an eye roll to see what new excuse they invent every patch. The war ended with WC3, even the very birth of WoW was nothign more than a completely storyless, asspulled “But he drums of war sound once again” to force faction conflict.

Nearly 15 years, 7 expansions, 23 raid tiers and precisely TWO have involved player faction conflict to the point of being the primary villain.


Oh really? Funny because the war has been 99% PvE oriented since launch. Was the war in TBC with Thrall or Illidans forces? Was the war with Saurfang or the Lich King? Was it Sylvanas we were at war with the the end times or was that Deathwing? You people must have dunce caps glued to your skulls.