I personally think there definitely should be a CE, with a pet and the obligatory hearthstone card back, D3 stuff, starcraft stuff, etc, but the WoW in-game stuff should only be available in the current version of WoW, rather than classic. And I don’t think the original CE pets should be in classic, as this isn’t a “rewind to 2004” as much as it is a “re-release of a game from 2004”, I guess… It’s something for nostalgia more than it is turning the clock back, experiencing something new. I’m not sure I’m making sense, but hopefully the majority of people know what I mean. Regardless, even as someone who hadn’t started until after BC was released, I think I’d find it inauthentic from a nostalgic perspective if I got the same rewards for a wholly different game that people got for taking a chance on a new game (which, by all rights, didn’t look like it was going to be a wild success leading up to and even for a bit after the release, from some videos I’ve seen of people recounting the media attention before and the experience after the release). I don’t know. It just feels … weird to me, to think that some people are expecting to receive the same rewards that those lucky few got 14 years ago…
That said, I think that it’d be cool to see a pet (or the option of one pet from a selection of three) on the current version that is a direct copy of a critter from Vanilla- with the bad graphics and all lol. Something like a plain little squirrel that could be mistaken as a rat or kitten xD that’d be neat, I think. I’d also like to see a toy that, on use, gives you 10 minutes or 30 minutes of looking like the old character model from vanilla. Maybe they could pick an armor layout that could go with each class, and then make the toy apply that armor set, in the lesser graphical quality, to whatever your race/gender is- in the same lesser graphical quality from Vanilla. For Worgen, Goblin, and Pandaren, they could just show up as a cube with fuchsia and black squares on it lol (I’m kidding. They could just have a random race applied each time they use it or something, idk).
Maybe a mount that is a direct copy of one of the bosses from a Vanilla raid, scaled down, would be cool? Do we have a direct copy of Ony? I can’t remember if any of the drakes from there are actually direct copies. Or maybe Ragnaros? Again, idk. I’m literally spit-balling here. I haven’t put ANY thought into exactly WHAT could be in a CE, but someone asked up above, and I thought it would be rude to ask you all what you think, but ignore someone else asking me what I think.
Again- just to reiterate- I think all of the CE rewards should be in the current version of WoW- that is to say the Battle for Azeroth and beyond version/s. I think if they added any to classic, it would take away from the 1:1 they’re going for. If folks want access to the pets they got for having the vanilla CE, by all means, give them those rewards for classic. I think that actually would be a great idea. Those folks helped fund the first iterations of the game, and through their word of mouth the game has gotten to where it is now (for good or for ill…), so they should be rewarded with the fun extras they had from Vanilla in their classic version of the game.
Anyway, thank you, everyone, for actually taking this seriously! I never quite believe anything I post will get any attention or responses, so I’m always happy when they do! It feeds my insatiable ego, but it also reminds me that there are still smart, fun, thoughtful people in this community. I just wished more of you played on Area 52 xD