World of Warcraft back to China

Do the people that had accounts before do they still keep them or do they have to start all over again?

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The plan was players could download their characters, and upload them when or if servers ever came back.

I’m curious how this will work, happy for them to get wow back up and running.

I would read this thread since it’s going, it’s informative.

I’d hope they have a way of restoring the accounts/characters of players.

I’ve been playing this silly game for so long that if that information was wiped, I’d probably just move on completely. I can’t imagine how crappy it must have been for Chinese players.


Wonder how many Chinese players who came to NA/EU servers will go back to Netease?


Blizzard said they are going to restore the accounts and help Chinese player get back what they missed so far.

Personally? i think blizzard owe the Chinese players a bigger apology so i personally think they should give Chinese player something exclusive to them as a form of a apology because if i was 1 of their player i probably would not forgive them that easily.


For what? Pretty sure it was Netease/CCP’s actions that got it pulled to begin with.


Why? Netease wanted more control over Bliz IP and Bliz said no. So they threw a tantrum and the players suffered. Sure, they say the respect IP, but then china is also the country that build a real life blizzard world. No one deserves any apologies.


I hope they’re still selling the Blizzard Green Tea

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It was definitely not a civil break-up.

Seriously? Let’s blame China, right? :joy:

It was Gobotick!

I uh… what?! They really went crawling back to NetEase after they caused an international incident that nearly got Blizz sanctioned by the Feds? :clap: Great job Microsoft. In with the new boss, same as the old boss.


By all means, dunk on Bobby as he is scum, but save it for the moments he actually deserves it. Let’s not pretend that China is a bastion of greatness, especially when it comes to how their companies tend to do business internationally due to how their government controls them.

It was very much a situation that THEY created, not Blizzard.

Even evil bastards like Bobby tend to have one moment where they aren’t really at fault. Mind you, it doesn’t make them good people, but I’m the sort of person that prefers to see the actual guilty party get the blame they deserve rather than resort to a highly uninformed and basic “It’s obviously the fault of X!”


I disagree.

It was politics and greed that got in the way. Maybe the CCP and Netease should apologize to their Chinese players but I don’t think Blizzard owes them anything.


Humanity’s epitaph.

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You mean like how China controls TikTok, huh? Maybe we should ban it. Yeah, freedom!

Bobby wanted a big chunk before retirement and flunked the deal, end of the story. If it’s really a political thing, why would WoW come back to China at all? How dare Microsoft and Blizz fraternize with evil NetEase and want them to develop mobile games (garbage I know, but lucrative)!

It’s a material world, everything is about money.


is china really getting WoW back!? Thats great news!!! Is this real or just made up!?

That would imply that there was any wrongdoing, so that’s never going to happen. There’s no way that the powers that be in China would allow one of their biggest companies and their own government entities to look weak.


This is 100% legit. Blizzard released a Press Release stating that services in China will resume this summer. You may read the Press Release Article if you wish by Clicking Here!

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I would say that there are a LOT of WoW fans out there in china celebrating this good news! welcome back!

Yeah they got to keep the censors employed after all

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