That doesn’t change the fact they should be banned for pilots.
The problem was people rationalizing breaking the rules so they could have items they weren’t able to earn themselves. This is exactly attacking the problem.
It has never been billed as a “non-elite experience”. Why would anyone expect it to be?
Can’t get more accessible than zoning in as many times as you want during the timewalking period. Access is not the same as difficulty level. Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it’s not accessible. If there was a premium subscription with a higher cost that was required to do Mage Tower, or if it was gated behind a CE achievement or something you’d have a point. But literally every player in the game had access.
no, becuase many of my buddies subed just for this reason, so GTFO cause it sounds like youre a lil boosty boy. bye bye
A single case of anything doesn’t surprise me anymore but I believe this is a highly improbable scenario.
Put yourself in that person’s shoes for a moment and consider what that must be like. You are unable to do a challenge so you pay someone to use your account to get it done. You then go on the forums and actively make arguments about how it’s not that hard, people who can’t do it are bad, people just need to get good, etc…while knowing full well you are talking about yourself. It would take a massive amount of self-deception to be able to ignore the fact that you are throwing shade at yourself.
Maybe I’m wrong and a lot of people did this but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I think it’s highly likely that the people who bought a Mage Tower carry were not the same people vehemently defending its tuning and criticizing those who couldn’t do it.
I think this is mostly wishful thinking, hoping that even fewer people were able to complete the Mage Tower because that would lend more support to the position that it was over-tuned.
That’s typically how most tended to finish that challenge when I watch videos for it years ago.
I’m just amazed that anyone did.
I would have never paid to give someone my account info and have them play my account. Security risk, much? Nothing is worth that.
I tried the thing twice, on two characters at different gear levels, then decided it wasn’t content I was going to acquire. Didn’t see the big deal for a couple of ugly mogs.
I’ve never understood “cheating” in a video game that you play. “Hey, I got this stuff by letting someone else play!”
They have not undone any bans. All bans are staying for a month
Doubt it, those people will just figure out a way to avoid getting detected Crime doesn’t stop because you punish criminals. (yeah I know it’s not a crime but you get the point )
You don’t seem to understand the difference between buying a boost and buying a pilot, OP.
I don’t, at all. It’s consistent with known human behavior, particularly the phenomenon of people who attain ‘have’ attempting to impede ‘have-nots’ from same.
What’s not consistent is arguing that a certain group of people are trash/unskilled/need to get gud when they themselves are part of that group. Sure, a single comment is one thing, but a discussion will require a lot of self criticism.
Not the entire group, no, but it’s perfectly consistent that at least some in that group are as described. And they don’t see it as self-criticism, they see it as self-interest, hiding in plain sight, or any number of other descriptors. It’s not an uncommon human behavior.
I believe people maintaining a positive view of oneself strongly overrides a desire for others to not have something. People go to extreme measures to try to avoid facing the reality of their shortcomings. Stridently engaging in this particular argument not only requires people to face their shortcomings…but to often directly criticize their own failure and lack of skill. I just don’t think that’s appealing for the vast majority of people.
It’s like…imagine if you failed a college entrance exam to a school but bribed someone to get in. Your friend also failed and is now trying to make changes so that the exam is easier. Let’s say you’re the type that really doesn’t want others to have what you have. How good is it going to feel to repeatedly discuss how the test is fine and the problem is really with the people taking it…how they just aren’t smart enough and didn’t work hard enough.
The people who bought the boost also know that even if the difficulty isn’t changed people can still buy a boost. You know how people who lie and cheat assume everyone’s doing it? I’m sure plenty of the people who got boosted think the same way. Why go through the trouble of trash talking yourself when you know that people can always do what you did and just get boosted through it.
… they literally stated they can’t. They mistakenly banned a bunch of ppl for just using a VPN with this wave,… again… this has happened many times in WoW.
Please understand subs is what keeps the game going, but hey it doesn’t bother me because I have a life and a social life. Continue on beating the boosted and no life a video game. Y’all are going far in the forms lol.
I have a wife, a full time job, and an active social life. I imagine many people have some variation of those things in their lives as well. Why do you think that being opposed to outright cheating means I must be playing in a basement for 20 hours a day?
Please understand that losing the subscriptions of some people who play so badly their only recourse is to pay other people to play for them isn’t going to cause WoW to close up shop. There are over 2 million subscriptions still. How many people do you think got banned? Then how many of those people do you think will actually quit over it? Do you hear that? That’s the sound of a drop in the bucket.
It’s funny how many people damn anyone banned for having someone play their char in solo content mage tower. But those same people are ok with paid boosting and pay2win in group content that actually affects other players.
Not everyone is going to be able to beat all the content. People were complaining and threatening to quit hours after MT became available.
One of those things is against the rules. Inspect the people that you pug with. You should never be playing with a carried player.
They make more money off the in-game shop and tokens then they do subs now.