World of Warcraft ®: Dragonflight HUD and UI Revamp

Definitely a step in the right direction, we’ll see if I still will be using several of my addons to change up my UI. Hopefully the Unit Frames will be changed like in the preview with the larger bars instead of the same as they have been. I have a heavily customizable UI that I use several different addons to achieve. It would be nice not having to use as many going forward. Yet, it all comes to down to ease of use and looks.

One of the big ones for me is having my buffs appear above my Unit Frame for my character and the same for debuffs above the target. This should be an option moving forward as well.


You can export a profile, so worst case scenario you just set up a profile and save it, then you just load it on the other specs.

Would love to see some more official first party support for those of us that use controllers to play the game - such as a unique UI, more official action bars (yes, more action bars), and other UI considerations.

Some of the new features will help a lot though, like the active targeting system, will be pretty nice as a melee DPS who uses a controller. Giving us ways to modify the active targeting system in a more granular way would also be nice, like being able to modify distance of the enemy, look radius, etc.

Good updates over all.


This is way more than what I expected. Looks very customizable and easy to use. Can’t wait to test it out!

It has to pretty much have every feature that Elvui has for me to consider using it

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Is it just me… but does this look like they are inching the game more to be able to be put on a console?

Add-ons were a big obstacle, now with the new UI you don’t necessarily NEED them anymore.

Auto target frees up the targeting button.

Interact key removes the need to simulate a mouse with the controller to actually select what you want to click.

Press and hold (along with the new class’ directional attacks) makes it easier to play on a controller.

Not complaining, I’d love to run dailies lounged on my couch so hopefully this is the case.


I heard that the Action Bar will remember what you put on it when you change specs… is that true? Also I like you can combine your bags just like in GW2. Add a spot for your personal bank inventory too! :grinning:

Oh and add TomTom please… :world_map:

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Thank you Bagnon for showing the way.


God damn it John, why’d you pull that guy!

I just wanted to get a look!

Need custom action bar paging per bar. Though I imagine that is a little outside of the scope of the typical user need.

I will stick with Elvui I guess.

is there only one side bar? I have 2 side bars and I need two side bars because I click and it is a lot easier to click on the side of the screen instead of reaching over.

The new UI is one of the features of DF that I’m most looking forward to. I’ve said it before when it was announced, and I’ll repeat it: My thanks go out to the devs for finally addressing this longstanding need to revamp the very dated UI (back to 2004).

I have nothing against add-ons, and believe that players should be free to use them as desired, however, I have become a fairly zealous default UI (zero add-ons) player, and I’m stoked for these changes. It’ll improve the quality of life for us baseline UI folks.

Of course, we all can probably think-up a list of suggestions and things which we’d like to see in addition. Some of the ideas I’ve already seen here are great.

One concern I’ve had is the unit frames. The first screenshot (which was released back at the DF announcement) shows new unit frames, but the beta as of now still has the old frames. I hope this just means the new frames aren’t finished yet and we’ll still see them updated!

I’d also like to see work continue to revamp UI textures for dialog boxes and buttons. For example, the new character screen buttons look great, but they clash with the older, lower quality buttons in-game. I’d love to see all of this updated to match the updated textures.

Also, it would be a missed opportunity to not expand the map pin functionality added in SL to allow for multiple pin locations, and also allow those locations to be set with coordinates. (Yes, I’m basically describing TomTom.) They’re tantalizingly close.

Finally, I’d like to see continued attention paid to boss encounter notifications. I’m not really looking for DBM-style timers exactly, but rather continued work to improve alerts for critical mechanics. I’d really like to see a point at which raid leaders don’t feel compelled to require add-ons like DBM or WeakAuras, because the UI will provide the basic information needed. (To be fair, they have improved greatly on this. SL has been the first expansion where I feel I can do AotC raiding without DBM alerts.)

Anyway, all this having been said, again I want to express my thanks to the UI team for undertaking this effort. Please don’t be discouraged by the long list of features people still have. I think folks are just excited that this is being looked at, and it’s opening the floodgates of ideas to reduce add-on dependency.


Yeah! WoW only gives us three options for name plates and it’s really all or nothing.

I want an option that will let me hide other players’ names, hide non-interactive NPC’s (like guards in every city and every NPC that doesn’t have a quest or is a vendor of some sort) and a separate function in the system UI to where I could click it in a major city and can hide other players on screen.

Example: 50 players around a quest giver. I can click the button and my UI hides some to make it less cluttered.

I have no clue how FF14 implemented it–but it’s there and it works like a charm.

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  • The ability to move/re-size the Achievement Pop-up is the only reason I use the MoveAnything addon, can’t tell if its in the images or not.
  • The ability to enlarge/heighten the Health Bar within the Avatar icons would be helpful for those of us with vision issues, currently I need an addon that makes the HP bar envelope the area where the Avatar name is located and places the name above the physical bar.
  • Square Mini-Map! Its the reason I use SexyMap, personally I prefer a square edged map in the squared corner of my monitor.

Please release this for pre patch instead of DF relesae.

I’d rather fix my UI now than fiddle with it when I could be exploring Dragon Isles.


Probably our portrait and group portraits.

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It will be in the pre-patch.


What about procs and customizable buff animations?

This makes me sad. I’ve NEVER used an addon for UI, I always have used in-game UI/raid frames etc since FOREVER

Can we get a simple toggle option to keep current UI? Not interested in investing time into setting all this junk up


There may be a preset in the UI edit mode that allows a more Classic set up. It also has the “Modern” preset with nameplates and stuff moved around. The art will probably only be the new versions though.