World First race

Seems like a fairly small number. Plus I never said people weren’t interested. I said most people weren’t interested. 100K would be a small percentage of WOW players even if there were only 1 Million subscriptions world wide.

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Yeah but that shows the disconnect between what Blizzard wants and what the Community wants. The community has turned out in droves to watch the world first race and will only get bigger if Limit and other top guilds join the streaming process next tier. Far more people have tuned into this than the 3v3 tourney or MDI that blizzard hosts. We have years of data to show only a small aspect of the community cares about the Blizzard Hosted events. So this is blizzard doubling down on ignoring community feedback. Method is able to out promote a AAA franchise when it comes to streaming their own game. That is just pathetic. The community has shown they care about World First and are interested to see how the Top guilds go about pushing content that is impossible for regular raiders. That is why basketball players like to watch the NBA… they want to watch the best while they enjoy playing at their own level.

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Then I guess you view twitch streaming as a whole as small. Considering Fortnite is only at 186k overall, and LoL is only at 171k.

Also remember, that that’s 100k with zero advertising from Blizzard. Not even an acknowledgement that it’s even happening.

Also, as I said previously, MSI, Corsair, Zippo, Red Bull, Vertagear, and Fanbyte, all disagree with your assessment that this is not worth paying attention to.

Personally, I disagree with the OP concerning Blizzard putting forth resources towards interviews, blizzard coverage, etc. I do not think it’s too much to ask that they put something on their website and something on the launcher to point people towards it.

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They will never support it because of a few reasons.

  1. Raid would need to release at the same time in all regions, which screws with the standard weekly reset system for entire regions.

  2. The amount of QQ from bug and hotfixes, that happen every single race, would be astronomical if it was sanctioned.

  3. It requires an unhealthy level of play time that really shouldn’t be encouraged. playing 16+ hours per day for 1-2 weeks. Taking time off school, work, and social events, for the race.


Every damned thing in the game is copied from these folks, world first is important only so every other player in game, even the elites, can copy what they did to clear the raid and/or dungeon themselves.

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I think the skinny of it is they don’t really like this happening, honestly.
It puts the raid on a pedestal and reveals its flaws very clearly for the world to see, demonstrates how even after 14 years they are still incapable of predicting player behavior and advanced power acquisition, and worst of all encourages people to play a video game for how many hours a day?
A very unhealthy amount.

There’s a reason within the last few years members of Method went from being average joes to looking like they are suddenly body builders.
The average “pro gamer” does not display good optics, and their business depends on it.

Blizzard does not support this, especially because its entirely unfair from the get-go.
Asia doesn’t get the content for like 2 days after US has already started!

If they were going to properly acknowledge it in any way, they would have to completely rethink how they prepare raids and how people consume them, so better off just to let those guys make an event out of it on their own and kind of just look the other way.

Realize that up until last tier “watching” the race wasn’t even possible, so at least we are making SOME progress.


This statement is just false. Every time Method has finished in the top two in the world on any tier, it was by using a unique strategy that only Method used. The other top 5-8 guilds always killed the boss using different strategies from Method which is another reason people are so interested in Method. Plus by the time most of the normal Cutting Edge guilds (top 30 and down) get to Mythic Janna they will have way more gear than what Method has and will have a completely new approach to the fight to account for the higher ilvl.

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Exactly - every one of those a very valid point.


Not really. They’ve said multiple times that they aren’t concerned with the world race partly because they don’t want to be constrained in raid design. Not to mention they’d have to make it perfectly identical for both sides, such as same gear opportunities, same abilities, etc. In order to make it a fair “competition”. Something which would be stupid for them to do. So once again, I think the world first should stay a community thing, not a blizzard thing.


just go to the Reddit WoW page and it’s like the first or second pinned message right now, and they have links to a bunch of streamers for each team that is streaming

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Copying Method, or any of the top guilds is easier said than done… the overwhelming majority of even Cutting Edge guilds do not maintain 2 or 3 alts within 5 ilvls of mains.

To these guilds mains are the players not the toons. We actually have seen some chinks in Methods armor this tier as Sco does not have a pally/DK tank at the level of expertise needed to sub in for Jaina.

I would argue that they do like the world first race, the chance to clinch the first ever kill on a raid that they designed is something that is interesting to say the least.

Personally, I wouldn’t sit and watch people wipe 300+ times on a boss, but the news of it and the actual kill is definitely something I’d want to hear about as a dev.

It also allows Blizz some exposure for raid content that otherwise does not have esport viability. MDL is pretty garbo, and the lack of viewers confirms that. Comparatively, a lot more people tune in for world first. And by tune in, I mean care.

It is definitely unhealthy, but you’re shortsighted if you think other people playing other esports games don’t spend 10+ hours a day practising. No matter what game you design, people at the top chasing those accolades are going to be dedicated to consuming content at an unhealthy pace.

I’ve been watching bits and pieces of it at work, i think its a great idea, but this community always hates anything so i can fully understand why Blizz wouldn’t back it themselves

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10% but someone better check my math!

How exactly should Blizzard take over the world first race?

Because they can’t endorse someone elses stream. How does this actually help Blizzard? I can only see how this can hurt them.

Very true i even set my care-o-meter to zero for them.

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As a member of the community I agree it should stay a Community thing because Blizzard would screw this up if they tried to make it a blizzard hosted event. But it has nothing to do with raid design or make it fair for both sides. They have hosted the PVP championships and MDI events, and have shown zero efforts in making those events fair for both sides (horde still dominate both competitions). But my point is that Blizzard never even considered throwing resources at World First because they had a poor read on the community. If Blizzard thought they could have made money off of this in past, they would have went for it, but because they are so disconnected, it allows Method to come in and out preform Blizzard in viewership of their own game. I think the Method Stream is great and deserve nothing but respect from the community, but the major point being, Blizzard failed to recognize and promote the premier event the streaming community actually cares about and that is pathetic from a AAA company.

Method is streaming their own thing and actually has a corporate sponsor/partner (redbull? some energy drink). They are making money from the event.

I’m sure other streamers are making money from the streaming/advertising.

If Blizz were to start their own competitor stream they would be taking money away from those other guys and in the end do a disservice to the community.

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The niche fan base of WF mythic race already has their go-to links to watch or keep up with the race itself. It’s a community created event and it’s a niche group that like to watch sweaty neckbeards progress for 16-18 hours a day while the other competitive groups juggle RL with raiding. It would be a logistical/planning/resource-heavy and money-costing endeavor that would not get the reception they would need to make it worthwhile.

So the way it is now, is more than fine. Stop crying. As for Blizz not having a leaderboard or links… they don’t sponsor it so stop being lazy and go to… this is a silly thing to complain about. Companies like Redbull, MSI, Zippo have huge marketing/sponsor money that shove their Companies Names in a lot of area’s of the World. It’s what they do. They aren’t Gaming companies. Apples and Oranges.


Method is nearly 275 pulls and closest has been 13 % on Jaina
Tuesday reset and they will be done.

Watch blizzard nerf it after they finish it as usual :rofl::rofl: