World First Naxx 25 Shaman Tank (Warden)

Grats on whatever you call this.

I’m sure everyone was having fun waiting for 2 minutes to hit bosses.


Clearly needs a buff. I cant class stack shaman tanks sir.


Someone can’t read that well :rofl:

No issue. Just not going to break out the kneepads to people with a superiority complex for taking their own path then screaming at everyone else to get off of our path and do theirs.

Like cool, you don’t want to take the marble bridge that’s well lit and has a gorgeous view of the river underneath. You want to go chop brush and wade through a swamp instead, that’s fine.

Getting mad at us for not caring about your swamp trip then getting even more mad when we don’t want to go through said swamp is just a pathetic cry for attention.


What? No one is trying to force you to run with a shaman tank lol

Sadly, no bosses other than Patch or Sarth 3D even hit enough to make it somewhat challenging. And Shamy didn’t main tank Patchtwerk either.

I mean, sure cool and all, kudos to anyone trying such offmeta builds, but simply having a shield is not a reason to call enha a tank spec.

I’d love to see a raid with ONLY enha tanks. No prot warrs or prot pals, pure 3 enha tanks. Like, to this day, on retail, shamy tank is not a thing.

Would love to see Enha tank Saurfang or LK lmao. But that will never happen due to simple lack of taunt.


we all love healers here!

Hatefuls do way more damage than normal melee attacks


it’s like those weird facebook posts where they show videos of deformed, malnourished, or diseased people with “inspirational” captions in order to fundraise and all the comments are people posting how beautiful is the person, “beautiful soul”. the people pointing out the reality (ugly, not beautiful) are chewed out. of course, that’s rude but thats reality. this is what’s happening here, i think

and some still wonder why people are critical of shaman tanking. lol the type of people that would do this do it for praise, do not get it, and then say these things.
in before not all shaman tanks… and i extend you… not all “americants”

Thanks for coming here to demonstrate how mad and ignorant you are bubby

Imagine being so bad at the game that you couldn’t effectively tank as a shaman


Literally nobody wants to play with you. That’s the reason you picked rogue.

That, your social ineptitude and jealousy at better players

Literally have had a raid team for years, project more.

You can only get bottom of the barrel mouth breathers who are willing to put up with a dps as a tank because actual players wont take them.

The circus freaks need to stay in the circus.


It’s ok baby. Blizzard caters to people with no friends, just like you. You can still get a shaman to max level and try to tank with it one day; if you ever learn how the game works, what a tank is, etc etc.

It’s there waiting for you bubby. Hope you don’t spend Xmas alone being an angry saddy :rofl:

I missed this, but I think it’s really instructive; it goes to the heart of the sadness, social ineptitude and loneliness that you would have to experience to become such a critic of other peoples’ fun.

This is the type of response you get from someone who doesn’t understand the underlying systems of the game, who main tanks and tries to talk down the shaman tank but then dies and the shaman tank has to take over and tank the rest of the boss.

I’ve been in dozens of that situation, and the tank who died never shows any appreciation or remorse even though they nearly just wiped the raid by being bad.

Oh yeah and then they try to blame the healers LOL

Youre hitting copium levels thought to be unobtainable.

Its ok, once you have LK gear youll be able to “tank” yogg 0 with extremely overgeared healers carrying you.


I think you’re the one on the copium since your intellectual faculties’ failure keeps bringing you back here.

Oxygen deprivation I guess is a logical reason for why you keep repeating disproven garbage from 2019 over and over in a thread about something you claim nobody cares about

Median Perf. Avg: 30.2 yikes.

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Median Perf. Avg: -

Yikes. Hiding behind an alt to shirt talk on the forums, I can’t imagine a better indicator for failure human being