World First Naxx 25 Shaman Tank (Warden)

ITT: Dozens of americants being themselves

142 posts in this thread about something that nobody cares about

Posting 100 times about why something is bad sure is a good way to demonstrate that nobody cares, least of all you

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I personally could care less about your pretend tanking in a raid that is over 10+ y/o that is super easy and requires no effort from the tank other to stand there and take aggro.

I think what the group is trying to tell you, is that you are attempting to peacock up and act like the shaman tank (I assume is you) did something awesome. You didn’t. Your entire team did something fun (not awesome), but if it were not for your team (and especially your healers) you would have failed.

You are coming in here and actually stating you are better than everyone else for doing it. Your exact words: " This has been the same story since phase 2 classic vanilla. People who normally don’t have a problem with their cognitive function come up with some crazy bad take to try to take away the achievements of better players." You said it right there – you are better than anyone else?

You are 100% mad because people didn’t lift you up and give you 3 cheers for accomplishing what you think is nothing short of a miracle. Some day you might actually make a mark that everyone will remember for the next 1000 years, but this will never be one of them.


No one is hating. But what happens is these morons try and pretend its not everyone else that has to do the work while the shaman stands there praying they dont die in content that was cleared in greens by other classes.


ITT: To get nationalistic on a public forum for a re-released video game from over a decade ago, because were not impressed that you pvp’d for some resil, stacked your healers, and culled your raid dps specifically for a dps spec to “tank”.

Yeah yeah shamans can tank SM in vanilla era, cool, but everyone got the memo in TBC when Blizz put your parry talent with your threat reduction talent, but for some reason a select group of individuals who breathe through their mouth looked at that and thought “thats a tank talent.”

Do what you want but getting your feelers hurt on a public forum because we didnt break out our kneepads for you is painfully pathetic.


The valid reason is that they are trash tanks.

Can you show me where? I see a lot of people claiming this but I can’t find it anywhere in this thread.

I’d rather play with OP and his guild than 90% of the people in this thread. Some of you never found your meaning in life outside of this game and it shows.


Americans made this game, seethe more

Glad to see more butthurt bad dads still mad they’re too bad at a 15 year old game to tank as a shaman

I’m rock hard


Shaman have tanked all of Vanilla, most of TBC (all of TBC post nerf), and now Naxx 25.

Yeah yeah shamans can tank SM in vanilla era, cool

Special guy

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I respect someone pushing beyond the limitations of their class. So, nice work.


And I’ve tanked P1 of Reliquary.

Doesn’t make me a tank.

Read this again.

No one cares it took you like 3 months to finally do what actual tanks do.

Three months.

Yeah yeah, what a good “tank”.


Yet another post by someone who clearly cares saying that nobody cares

Just mad that you can’t do it yourself. Failure

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I’ll never understand why people get SO MAD at shaman tanks for just playing the game lol. Not everything needs to be min maxed. Remember fun? The reason you play videogames?

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You honestly think that a simple response to a brain dead post is caring? This isn’t 2002.

Imagine thinking that getting tricks pumped into you and having overgeared healers makes you a tank. Pathetic.


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Imagine not understanding what tanking is in current year lol

No wonder you’re so mad

It sure isn’t needing 3 months of prep time to tank something other people have been tanking since day one.

What’s the issue here buddy?