World First Naxx 25 Shaman Tank (Warden)

You must be slow in the head.

What am I supposed to take away from that completely out of context reply?

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If you could think, you would figure it out.

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Donā€™t let the haters ruin your fun. Grats on the clear.

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No one cares what these guys do, go have fun. But at the end of the day the rest of the raid are the ones doing most of the work.


Why are there so many haters. Obviously everyone in the raid knew this was happening.

And theyā€™re enjoying the game in a new way. Why are we hating on this?

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Why do some people get their panties in a twist because someone else tries something different in this game for fun? There really are a lot of pathetic people on these forums.

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If that gets you through the night and to feel better about yourself, ok.

Mostly because when you have played Shaman long enough, you are bored by the .01% of Shamans that are absolutely obsessed with the notion of Shaman tanks, have guild names after their role, constantly play fresh servers so they can tank SM for 15 levels just to do it all againā€¦

They flood the Shaman discord, endlessly complain to Warcraft logs to get Shaman Tanking added to the logs, and are never shy to spam share their boring videos as much as humanly possible.

Honestly, Shaman tanks are the vegans of the WoW universe. Before you learn their name they tell you they are a Shaman tank. They cannot help themselves but to tell everyone they tank as a Shaman.

Thats truly what it is.


None of this is true.

ā€¦ The shaman tanks literally spammed the WCL discord for months in TBC trying to get it added as a specā€¦

its literally one of the biggest inside joke / memes on the WCL disc.

You said shaman discord. As far as WCL specs go, if thereā€™s justicar, I donā€™t see why warden couldnā€™t be there too.

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And there is my point ladies and gentlement.

Justicar is a spec because paladins are offtanking. They are prot specced, have the talents just dont have a tanking roll in solo bosses. Therefore they wouldnt hit the damage taken values to properly be a tank, and the rankings would be super scuffed.

In what universe is that relatable to this made up notion of shaman tanking that absolutely does not exist.

And yes, in the Shaman discord they have built out sections specifically for tanking, and people crying to WCL to add Warden tanking. Literally just this AM complaining that WCL wont add a Warden specā€¦ smfh. That same guy btw has (warden tank) in his name on disc. AKA what i said, they are obsessed with telling people they Shaman tank. They physically cannot help themselves.


user above me is confirmed mad af
didnt read ur 10 long posts btw lol


Resto Shaman (more meme spec than tanking tbh) :white_check_mark:
1:18:00 Naxx :white_check_mark:
Grobbulus :white_check_mark:
Admits to not reading :white_check_mark:

Dang 4/4 all checked. Impressively dumb.

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lmao keep hiding on ur weird char
pve is cringe btw

Truest thing anyone has written on these forums in like a decade. :fist_right: :fist_left:

You should try tanking on your shaman sometime, youā€™ll realize how fun it is.

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always the callouts from weird alt chars
love ur checkmark emotes, thousands of posts, and detective work tho

yeah im sorry yelling at my raid to stop DPS for 20-30 seconds until I get enough aggro sounds awful. What a sorry raid to be inā€¦

I watched part of the vodā€¦ its hilarious how everyone stands around and does nothing until its ā€œok to dpsā€

Yeah idk that seems awful to me. This content is so boring, wasting 3 hours in naxx so a meme can be accomplished im kinda all set with.