World first is over you can nerf everything now

what changes did they make to the earlier bosses? Certainly escaped my notice.

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cash cow? missing something?

yep time to hit the freaking nerf hammer across the board. and finally balance all specs more even. fix bran, fix m+, fix the raid and probably pvp too.

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Exactly man I don’t know what the guys above are talking about this always happens. This game vastly favors these top guilds over the rest of the community. It’s all initially tuned around them.


This raid is probably the most “nerfed by gear” raid tier we’ve ever seen, the bosses died with 14 ilvl under max and were getting the 3% stacking buff in two weeks.

Ovinax is a special case where the coordination + dps check shouldn’t have been present so early and I’m glad that has already been adjusted somewhat, maybe it needs more, but the rest of the mythic bosses can we just see if having 15% more HP and doing a bunch more damage makes them easy enough first?

Ansurek’s difficulty only ramps up to crazy levels in the last 2~ minutes, and the fight is mostly an “Effective HP check” with how much raid damage specific overlaps do. If those overlaps stop killing you and you’re able to do 4-5% more to the boss in P1 a lot of the difficulty kinda goes away because you kill it before those extremely dangerous points happen.


they didnt even need to do delves. just have mythic raid be solo delves ONCE the joke race lol is over.

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The developers are either incapable of doing this, or not interested in doing this.

It’s why they put in those health nerfs. It’s not that people can’t do the fights without the health nerfs, it’s more that the fights can only be done with specific comps, without the health nerfs. Because class imbalance is so bad.

Sure, the fights are doable if you stack multiples of whatever-is-broken-this-tier, but many guilds aren’t interested in having a bunch of people switch characters and regear in order to do that. Hence the health nerfs.

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Yea buffing underperforming specs would be great. Can allow more guilds to kill unnerfed bosses.

(But this RWF has had decent representation.)

At least, they’ve fixed the aug evoker problem for once.

Cries in Shadow Priest.

Spec would have been great at P3 Ansurek but bringing one is like adding an entire extra mechanic to the boss.


I don’t think people bringing Druid or Monk tanks just for Mark and Mystic Touch because Mistweaver, Windwalker, Balance, Restoration, AND Feral are gutter trash is decent representation.

WW is far from gutter trash, it’s just slightly worse than other things. It has been gutter trash, but rn not really.

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WW was present on Ky’veza at least.

A team shows it’s possible to beat at a bare minimum ilvl on the first or second week available. Blizzard has no incentive to make it easier and completable by the masses in the 2nd week it’s available, because then you’d just unsub?

Is it a conspiracy or is the content just intended to take longer than the two weeks other people want to clear it in without being a team with financial backing? Imagine Blizzard wasting so much time on development of the expansion just to expect 1 month average sub after launch…


Dude this content is literally tuned for insane players regardless of the ilevel (The teams raid leads even admit this). These are literal professional gamers most of you wouldn’t have a shot against in any game you chose. They’re just insanely good at gaming and would crush you in a competition.

It will 100% recieve a nerf bat regardless.

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It will, but it’s much more interesting for people killing the last boss at the highest difficulty with the lowest possible ilvl than the achievement just being handed out as a participation trophy. There’s like 15 whole more ilvls for these teams I believe, the boss gets nerfed over time through playing.

Even most nerfed CE isn’t a joke.

So, how many people do you think should be able to get CE?


The only difference this time is the raid has a built in buff, but the ilevel gain has always been a thing and didn’t change anything. Blizz still nerfed boss fights based on Mythic guilds progress and skill levels towards the very end.

Towards the end you could be an average player and clear a CE raid in an average guild as long as your teams ilevel and gear is as high as can be. I mean I can be a CE raider and my parses aren’t some god tier 100% or even 90% at all, but at best maybe 80% I think I’ve ever reached (especially with top guilds addon package).

Ilvl gain wasn’t much in DF, so they doubled it in TWW.

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This is the way

Disagree. Then you never have a shot at original bosses.

And how nerfed would bosses be? Because even entry level bosses are nerfed several times over the course of the tier.

Sure, could make ansurek possible, but then it would make the first few bosses a joke comparatively.