World first is over you can nerf everything now

There should be only Mythic servers. because REASONS


How do you explain Echo winning twice in a row in Shadowlands?

Won’t evenly matched teams be a better explanation?\

Or BFA 3x method, 1x pieces, and limit snuck in on N’zoth.


Explain lol because it’s really not at all

True because when World First gamers push for the few weeks before Mythic they exploit everything they can to gain power and an advantage. This in turn ruins the fun for the rest of us when Blizzard hits it with a nerf bat. Like dirt piles in DF before VOTI they nerfed the heck out of those cause of these pro guilds and Blizz was embarassed by it.

The only reason Liquid lost in Sepulcher is cause of mental health reasons and they didn’t like how the raid dragged out so long. They also lost some key players cause of how long it dragged out that had to go back home or it would be the same as DF until now. Sepulcher was very close in the end regardless.

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Stuff dropping frequently =/= exploit.

I love how ppl are so obsessed with conspiracy they will see a pattern happen twice and go off in a huge thing that makes absolutely zero sense

Ppl are so dumb it’s actually remarkable


Bro the entire endgame is designed around these players don’t you see it? Even Asmongold acknowledges this! And he isn’t dumb. Blizzard only nerfs it for the rest of us months later.

But initially all endgame design decisions are fully built around world first guilds. They massively impact your ability to progress in anything other than Heroic raiding, or low keys.

We don’t have to wait for nerfs, we just need to learn and practice the fights.

Like most Mythic teams, we don’t want nerfs, we just want to go back to the tiers being longer so we could enjoy the raids like we used to.

It’s week 2. The notion of the raids being nerfed “so we can progress” and steamroll everything like it was Heroic is disgusting. Fortunately, that’s not going to happen.


Asmongold hasn’t played wow in 5+ years.

Listening to him discuss the game is absolutely dumb.

I like the guy but he literally doesn’t play the game and when he does he’s awful and pays to get carried.

His opinion is meaningless


Oh come on Brewa do you seriously think you could complete Ansurek as it is now? That boss is so tightly tuned even pro gamers are having a hard time man. I mean you’d probably need to wait a month at least with the buff and better gear until you had a chance.

And they will most definitely be nerfed quite a bit after this race as Blizz always does you know this. Even though they also have the raid buff you earn now.

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Aside from last tier content drought, I don’t think this was the case?

That’s what Ilvl is for.


In time, sure.

I guarantee they leave it as it is now the guilds that clear this raid will be dramatically lower than prior tiers regardless of ilevel. But luckily you guys have this raid buff every week or other week, not sure how it works. And Blizzard has already started nerfing everything after the top guilds clear each boss.

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Really? Can you list the nerfs for all 8 bosses for us?


Why is it any better that Blizzard whacks the nerfbat a couple of time as opposed to more ilvl for the same purpose?

And if Blizzard were to nerf things, what kind of nerfs do you envision?

Is this like the Super Bowl/World Cup/World Series/etc for WoW addicts?

No that’s what patch notes and hotfixes are for duh.

Or… they haven’t.

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Are you counting the nerfs/changes during the race itself?

Like they’ve nerfed one boss: Ovi’nax.

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Oh they have bud they already nerfed the adds hp on boss 5/8 the big old slug dude. And I think the add damage was nerfed as well I believe a bit and that’s just one. The earlier bosses were also nerfed a tad already. I’m paying attention to this stuff bro!

Just wait Prophet Padgarre predicts more nerfs incoming to all the Mythic bosses in the coming weeks!

That on top of higher ilevel and raid player buffs will make CE carries vastly easier.