World Chat Takeover

Are you blind?

They banned someone for advertising a guild that wasn’t Enclave

They banned someone for being a ‘derogatory term that starts with an r’

They banned someone for being Chinese

They banned people who undermined their authority in a public channel

They spam “HAIL <leader’s name>”

If you don’t see what’s wrong with this, I can’t help you.


I was banned for just asking what policies they like about the current president (after THEY brought up the subject first).

Apparently, praising him is fine, but asking why they praise him is will get you a ban from this guild who thinks it can say what is right or wrong.

I wonder if it’s against the WoW TOS to use public channels as a political soapbox.


Lol. What a read.

I’m loving classic.

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I hope you’re seated but, Hail is an emote in-game as-well…

Scary stuff right?

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Sounds like Enclave is trying to be Final Boss. Because it’s going so well for FB. When will these nerds learn?


Screenshots or it never happened.

Talking about politics is not against the ToS, but it is frown upon. Since this is also a favorite subject among the 4chan guilds and /pol, talking about it will only be allowed to Emerald Dreamers. The rest of the Grobbulus peasants can only limit their in game activities to the following:

  1. RPing
  2. Reporting non RP names and RP griefing
  3. Answer the call when an Emerald Dream guild needs help with wpvp
  4. Leveling by doing quests or dungeons
  5. Leveling professions
  6. Looting spiders to contribute the cashflow of the server
  7. Assisting your local Emerald Dream enforcer with donations of gold, mats and BoEs

These policies are being enforced for the best interests of the server. Once the 4chan guilds admit defeat and leave the server we can loose the leash on the community.

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You don’t even play here anymore. Go defend toxic guilds on DD.

I defend all RP in all the realms as a Champion of RP. Where there is RP I am there.

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Literally your own words:

Stay on DD.


Deviate Delight will serve as a safe haven to RPers until Grob is cleanse from the toxicity


Be the change you want to see. Start with yourself. Off you go, shoo!

Who is Enclave? I never heard of them on Emerald Dream must be new imports on retail who have now invaded classic?

This thread is a dumpster fire. People are taking what should be a light hearted fun community and turning it into a huge political battle for control over… what? A virtual world? Get over yourselves you nerds. Relax. It’s a freaking GAME. Ya’ll need to step away from the computer screens and really see what’s important and it’s not a bunch of pixelated characters in a virtual world.


There is a certain irony in telling a poster you don’t like to go away right after complaining about people allegedly making others go away from a channel because they didn’t like their posting.

The fact is that world was so full of guild spam it was almost unusable most of the time. Multiple lines of texts, spammed on a macro constantly. What happened after the dust settled last night was a usable channel that people could actually discuss things in.

Meanwhile, the “alternatives” created immediately filled with the same spam and low-effort trolling we removed, and became dead/unusable. People complaining about censorship/banning then cheered as some guy created a macro to ban all players just for being Enclave members – even though there are more than 500 of us and only a tiny number were moderating world.

The hypocrisy of it all is palpable. The brigading is sad. Especially the posts that amount to “The Enclave did this bad thing!” “Where is the proof” “w-w-well uh…I don’t have any proof…but some guy on reddit said it!”


Yeah but some of us just love a good tire fire.

ED having to put up with all these second hand citizens on our server is truly a test from God. Stay grounded, friend!

Would be a nice if there was a channel for guild recruitment so people wouldn’t use local/trade/world.

Reading this thread, given what I’ve heard about Enclave, none of this surprises me.

Seems somewhat overblown to me but thats how this goes.

whips out the popcorn

ingame atm the channel is peaceful enough

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Thats not for you to decide, it is called world chat not world rp

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Your point is what exactly? We replace one group of people’s spam for arguably a worse group’s spam.

The screenshots are there. Scroll up. You act like “IF NO SS THEN IT DIDN’T HAPPEN!!”. Plenty of people witnessed the immaturity of your guild last night. I’m just trying to make sure more people know about it.

I posted a screenshot above showing your leader and several other members being the same racist, insulting degenerates. You can ignore it if you’d like, just don’t act all high and mighty that you did all of us a ‘favor’ by kicking those kinds of people when you simply replaced them in the world chat with your guild’s own degenerates.


The Enclave member Molten has been unbanning people this morning. World chat has been calm, we’ll see what happens when it gets closer to peak. Props to Molten, at least.

I love how they say all rumors are false yet… when I joined their discord before being invited their exact words are “people within the guild use a lot of racial slur words and if you get reported that is on you. We do not RP AND ARE HERE TO TROLL PEOPLE THAT DO.”

act tough and decline any rumor (that are true) just shows how weak they are… it’s cute. Like little kids when get caught and scramble to make up bs to get out of it.