World Chat has remained a staple in the Private Server community for as long as I can remember back in Phoenix days. A channel used for LFG, for random toxicity, for recruitment, for events…
As a Guild Master, recruiting for my guild has remained a top priority for me. I’ve been chased out of Trade chat, chased out of General chat, and finally, my entire guild was banned from World Chat for attempting to recruit.
Here is the discussion I had with the World Chat owner - which is randomly selected upon logout of the previous owner. imgur /a/7KuTyth, just add the com part.
I understand that Blizzard has stated that the World Chat channel is player created and thus will be a sort of “wild west” atmosphere, so at most, I would like to bring this to players attention. I find it curious that < The Enclave > and < Obisidan Council > allow their own Guild Recruitment to continue, but ban all others from participating.
As for our public WPvP events, if you’ve enjoyed battling with the < Secondmen > in the past, you’ll have to look for us in Trade Chat now, as we can no longer advertise our WPvP to the World.
I remember when WoW was just a game.
As someone who never played on Private Servers, World Chat seems so dumb to me.
Can only hope it falls out of usage, or at least never becomes a community staple, because I have no desire to join it. I already moved General, Trade, and LookingForGroup to their own tabs lol.
Alinea is paid off by these guilds
Law and order will be brought to world chat, and in the end you will thank noble Alinea for his services.
I bet the Goblins did this.
The players on this server have no interest to see your guild spam. There are forums, and other chat channels to use to do guild recruitment.
Have a nice day.
Ironic that other guilds are allowed to advertise though…
But The Enclave recruiting is ok? I’ve seen a few other guilds, but that one happens to be yours…
After Dark
Obsidian Council (though 1 or 2 of them were banned)
Valiant Crusade
Some of these were short/trolly, but I’d rather see proper guild recruitments than “Valiant Crusade hot steamy load”.
I’m banning what I see. If I miss one, sorry. I’m not constantly paying attention to world chat. 
Please be patient we are processing requests as fast as possible.
imgur /a/1YOZKk3
Modding guildies, banning people who call them out, or say that bans reset on server reset days.
And < The Enclave > continues to show their respect for other players and the community at large. What a pleasure to have such a guild be with us!
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/ World is simply not the place for guild recruitment. I am not in it so I’m not sure what’s going on, but I think we would like to get it back to a place that is consistent with Blizzards standards of what a Global Chat channel should be (In-character communications only).
But when I left it last night I saw a lot of 4chan/reddit memes, distasteful jokes, guild spam, OOC conversation, and circle-jerking.
I have passed ownership to our Lord Horrigan.
His steady hand will guide our world chat to a brighter future.
I have easily culled several members of The Enclave for you, OP.
World Chat
You mean a general public-private channel, right? Why not just make “Channel Public” or something similar if they ban you from it?
The Enclave and Encore are both problem guilds for the server. Their member’s sole purpose is to grief and troll RP events. New level one characters will also get spam Guild invites from them.
Hopefully once enough of them are blacklisted they will grow bored and go back to retail.
Should be noted we don’t spam guild invites, that’s flat out false. We have a recruitment system where people have to register on our Discord, and at a later date sign up for our Guild forums.
As for the RP trolling comment goes, it is wrong again. Our sole purpose is to play the game, and have fun. Members are encouraged and even disciplined for griefing Alliance RP, we have a lot of members that love to show up for the Hammersong and Battlehammer parades, and even as people that have never RP’d before they love to get into it, even if they may perhaps be a little rough around the edges.
As for Horde RP, as has been stated by Blizzard too many times to count, unless the Horde are blueflagged, if the Alliance attacks them during RP, there is a PvP solution, which goes without saying as this is an RP-PvP solution.
To summarize things, if you are going to speak out against the guild, fine. Many people don’t like us, many people haven’t in the past and many folks won’t in the future. But having been around as a community since 1998, we don’t really dwell on the opinions of others unless it’s constructive feedback we find valuable and pertinent. But please, for the love of God, get your facts right before you start foaming at the mouth.