It has been a good first week in Grob. However, the sad truth is the server is full of pvp bros and people who dont want long queues. I may as well take advantage of the free transfer and go to a REAL RP PvP server and not this joke that Grob had become.
It is obvious the gatekeepers are doing a bad job at keeping the server RP and the pvpers are too much of a jerk to even follow the guidelines of what this server is suppose to be.
I’m sure you’ll find the same problem over there.
At least i wont see you there, so thats a win for me
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I don’t even know you tho
This reply is not in the spirit of your initial argument. In fact is shows you are no different than the ones you complain about.
I think i realized the pvpBros are the gatekeepers
Based on the starting areas and forums, Deviate Delight seems to be more welcoming on both factions. There are definitely nonroleplayers rolling there for lack of queues, but they seem more open to trying RP.
Sounds like an improvement
The important thing here to remember is, communities don’t just exist, they are created by the collective individuals that make up what you see on that server.
If you do not intend to contribute or help regulate, then you are part of the cause of the unsavory behavior of the server.
You should go wherever you think you’ll have the most fun. If that’s DD for you, then go to DD.
For me, it’s Grobbulus. But you might see me on DD red-side in a few months as an alt.
Looks like nothing of value was lost.
What does this even mean? What is the server “supposed to be?” When did I miss the vote on this?
Maybe we should /hail before the fight and /bow after?
No one likes having the upper hand so this should work out just fine.
Says another Heltor wannabe
Can’t heart this comment enough, Vok.
This server is supposed to be RP first with the PvP system engaged. The high concentration of non-RP players is prevalent. Character names, guild names, active admiting from players and guilds who have zero intent to role play but came to Grobbulus anyways… These things are a strain on what this server is advertised to be. These people could have just as easily gone to a different server and got the same exact game play while the people that wanted to RP did not get that choice. In short these people are being rude and abusive.
The gatekeepers would be the Blizzard staff that are supposed to enforce the ruleset of an RP server. OP feels that the moderaters of this ruleset are either not doing their job or at the minimum doing a poor job. This is highly likely based on the volume of non -RP players and their antics again.
As such OP is moving to a different realm in hopes to find like minded people and escape these infractors that they perceive will ruin this server.
Ive had an amazing exoerience on Devaite delight! Grobbulus…not so much. We’re seeing a bright future for the realm. I am not sure why people in your community are saying you are part of the problem for communicating valid points.
Just come on over man, you wont be disappointed.
Holla have fun on ur ded server
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