World Buff Dispel trolls

Dispelling/killing someone with world buffs isn’t really the issue.

The dead bodies waiting to res at an inn or portal spot are.

Just have honorless target make you immune to dispel inside major cities.

Solves the problem with this type of griefing, you can still kill them, and you can still dispel them in the open world.

So dispelling is trolling bit ganking is PVP as usual?


Its not a waste of time making the opposing faction weaker. If you’re able to kill or purge buffed players going to raid, it can result in slower clear times. Maybe they dont get to kill cthun or run their alts through bwl and now you face a weaker enemy at that next plaguebloom node or high chief spawn.


“I want pvp the way I want it, any other form of PvP needs to be stopped”.


so there was dude on oue eartfury discord was only talking about dispel ally side btw.

So i went to the darkmon faire. I use goblin rocket helm on them i removed all my buff manually i didt have tribute and hok though. Then i killed hi.

He message me
-what is wrong with you why are you so mad ?

This would be a good solution.

Yeah, I do think wbuffs should be protected by the player but waiting dead at the location just to res and dispel someone during the few seconds that they load doesn’t have much counter play.

People shouldn’t be forced to buy summons to sw/org in order to combat this behavior.

Do I think it’ll happen? No. Does it make sense to me? Absolutely

Oh no, pvp happened on a pvp server. BLIZZ FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY REEEEEEEEEEE

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I wouldn’t really call res dispelling pvp

Yet it is pvp

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so purging buffs to screw someone over in instanced PVE ONLY is PVP? The more you know…

PVE ONLY is a realm choice.

well this isn’t PVP so there’s that…

It’s all relative to the ongoing war.

Set hearth to a friendly zone. Either fly the 5 mins to deflag or accept a summon while on flight to major city to deflag instantly.

Don’t be easy bait.

Hey, I’m not the one making the thread. I got killed fully buffed after taking dmf just today!! It happens and that is pvp.

However I won’t condone the res dispel inside a major city behavior. It’s not pvp, it’s griefing.

I understand some people enjoy this type of play, it makes them happy. I just think it should be more involved personally.

I’ve seen gank squads roaming felwood with flower timers, I’ve been killed by them and I just laugh it off and respect it.

When I see a dead priest in the middle of org/sw I just can’t help but feel sorry for that person : (

90% of Alliance is like this, started in a pvp server “maybe i can do a few bgs in 60s” turns out, log in just to get buffs and consumables for the same raid everyweek and got mad when they got dispelled
I agree with him that is a waste of time people doing this, but they have to undestand that this is a pvp server.

So you’d rather die than get dispelled. The location is the only thing that bothers you? In both cases you loose buffs. In one case you end up with a ghost walk, and that is the case you prefer.

May we get what we prefer.

Well… yes…?

If they kill you, that’s pvp. If some level 20 resses and dispels you as you port to sw, that’s not really pvp.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Technically it is pvp because they used a hostile action against a member of the opposing faction. I’ll never understand the logic of people complaining about having their world boofs dispelled. Just move to a pve server or something if they mean that much.

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