World Buff Dispel trolls

Why are DMT and Songflower buffs still dispellable? Can we just make them non-dispellable like Ony, Zanza, Hakkar, and Rend as well?

The world buff dispel trolls are just getting old.


According to Kevin Jordan, they were definitely designed with purge in mind.


Classic isnt the same game though. Vanilla, coming world buffed wasnt really a thing. Now days its kind of expected.

Ony, Zanza, Hakkar, and Rend were originally dispellable in classic, and they removed their magic classification, making them undispelable.

Literally people do this just to troll and waste other people’s time. Its not like they are there to fight you, they are literally there to spawn, dispel, and die.

Make them all purged upon entering a raid, then I don’t have to bother wasting my time getting them ever again.


You’re beating a dead horse, there’s hundreds of threads about this, reddit threads. The conflict in itself is enough reason to keep them purgeable.

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Also an acceptable solution.

Then why cant you purge Ony anymore?

Because people thought they wanted PVP but they really don’t. Join a PVE server you carebear


I imagine the situation where some buffs are purgeable and others are not creates a unique dynamic we are in right now.

Purging a buff with the intention of just rolling over dead after purging isnt pvp. Its just trolling.


You’re about 50,000th person to re-iterate that. Really you can’t add anything that hasn’t been said before. It’s fun to watch people suffer.

So then its valid to keep reiterating it until it stops being necessary to reiterate. Im fine with losing it if someone kills me. A troll spawning to purge is just a troll.

Nice troll op!

On topic: try harder to protect them or care less about losing them


Just forget about the DMT buffs, songflower is already only half of an AQ clear, if you’re going decently fast. We have priests suicide purging all day in the org bank. We have guys obviously running two accounts to insta purge specific players. The people who do this are sad, small people, but let it go. The big 3 buffs can’t be dispelled; neither can zanza.

I don’t understand running two accounts to purge camp upwards of 8 hours a day, but oh well.

Engaging in PVP is not trolling but beating a dead horse topic is


I wonder who are the smaller people : the ones who are running around purging World Buffs or those who CAN raid ONLY with World Buffs ( People who NEED World Buffs to achieve self esteem for having a good raid ).


Could say the same thing about consumes, or using raid buffs. It’s a pretty ridiculous parallel to attempt to draw. Someone collecting buffs to put up more numbers in raid makes sense. Someone spending several hours every day, running two accounts to purge snipe people and undo those buffs does not make much sense. That’s just petty griefing.

Almost as pathetic as needing to purge world buffs to achieve self esteem? Should I come back with a mirror and just let you have at it?

What are Zanza and Rend buffs?

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Careful with the Word pathetic… I was silenced on Blizzard Forums for 3 days for that word …

The idea is Classic is way easier than Vanilla and many guilds … like mine too were doing Raids without World Buffs .
Is just funny to see people pumped with buffs, flasks and potions doing them and feeling proud about how effective they were. Wanna be proud. Do it the hard way.
As about dedications of the World Buffers : Imagine when 3/4 of my Classic guild didnt wanna run ZG on wednesday because they didnt wanted to log their mains because they already had World Buffs for Saturday Raid.
And I guess it does require some dedication too doing what the purgers are doing.
You are “having fun” getting World Buffs and they are having fun purging them. But I bet the fun on their part is sweeter than on yours.


Because they are magic.