World Buff Dispel trolls

not worth the effort trying to explain it to them… not 2 brain cells between all of them combined. Toxic millennials trying to justify harassing others.

I mean it is what it is.

I understand that type of gameplay/behavior is fun for some but it’s certainly not pvp.

what’s fun about dispelling someone while they are in a load screen?

But it really is pvp to dispel someone.


The definition of PVP that blizzard has always used is that there is a way to retaliate and prevent the action. Dispelling someone in a loading screen has no counter thus it is not PVP.

Sure it does, you kill them after they dispell you, retaliation. Or you have someone else on your faction kill them first, prevention.

clueless child

Not really, I play on a pve realm so I don’t have to deal with garbage like that :slight_smile:

You should try it if you prefer pve over pvp.

Let’s see you hold that stance and clear Naxx at the same time. World buff make an insane difference. If you clear AQ40 in over 1 hour, sure songflower is “useless”, but for those of us that like to min max, world buffs are required.

Then good news, there’s an entire servr type where you don’t have to worry about being dispelled and can min max your parses in peace.

Don’t forget they ALWAYS target the MT since it holds the entire raid back by threat capping them.

I feel like, if this is what you consider pvp, you’re prolly one of those people who camp redridge/hillsbrad killing level 20s.

Just reminds me of the guy from South Park lol

Okay? And you agreed to that when you roled on a pvp server.


Well technically both dispelling world boofs and camping lvl 20 players constitutes as pvp. What point are you trying to make here? Just roll on a pve server if it’s too much for you to handle.


make all buffs dispellable.

Not trying, nor do I feel the need to prove anything. I just don’t consider those things pvp personally.