World boss Aurostor loot table

Done it on 5 druids…no loot.


Guardian Druid got 0 loot aside from the resources you get for the world quest

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Same issue here. Loot for all of my alts, except for my druids. :frowning:

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I wonder how fast this would be fixed if Druids were instead getting Mythic quality gear as a bug


Not trying to get your hopes up, but ive seen a couple druids (including me) saying its not triggering a lockout for the boss. Might look at your raid lockouts on your calendar and see if hes there. That being said, it does complete the world quest for him.


Turns out there was a hotfix put in - other classes were not supposed to be getting loot at the rate they were.

No word on if Druids have been fixed

Maybe the fix was normalizing other class drop rates to match druids. :grimacing:

No loot. Also didnt get a pop up for the gold i got like i usually would when we roll nothing. Had to scroll through the logs to make sure i even got credit. Had 2 other classes i ran through that did get drops.

how do you know this? Did they say something or are you no longer getting drops on any other class than druid. Maybe they “fixed” it so that no one get any gear just like the zaralek cavern wb. The absolute joy of getting a blue seed over and over and 50 rep

Saw some comments on reddit of someone saying they ran non-Druid alts in and weren’t getting gear

Unconfirmed obv

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I’ve killed him on 8 toons, 2 of them being druids. Everyone but the druids got an armor piece and the lockout.


I’ve killed him on my Main (Guardian Druid) around 20 times, haven’t gotten any items, gold, or even credit for killing the boss.

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Reset the World boss for Druids at the very least. not like it will help them gear up its just 1 piece might not even drop, but just the world boss might not spawn for few weeks lol…

my friend ran 20x druids no loot or anything…
actually alot of my friends to correct that.


Can confirm, ran it on several druids and nothing drops.

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I dont see a lockout on any of my chars, even the non druids that did get loot.

Exact same thing for me.

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I just did this on a warrior and she got a tmog head piece, not actual gear.

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I have tried killing a few times since with same druid, and get nothing each time, no lockout.

I didn’t get anything on my paladin.

I’m finally seeing the runebear around, and people in my thread have said that it’s dropped for them. I guess for those of us who were unlucky enough to run it early, we’ll have to wait for the reset.