World boss Aurostor loot table

Well I’m a warrior and i got nothing

Some people are saying on wowhead that the druid form now drops for them, some on the first kill even. Im gonna sacrifice a few more druids and see if i get any. Will get back to you

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If it was bugged and has since been fixed, it’d be really nice if Blizz would let my druids do the quest again this week. Roll back my druid’s minuscule rep gain from the first quest if you need to.


Did you have any luck on Runebear form? I have done 3 druids and still nothing.


Just went and killed the world boss again today, after trying 3 times on Tuesday. Still not fixed or acknowledged; I do not get any loot and I don’t get a weekly raid lockout for killing him like I do other world bosses.


Totally agree that everyone should be able to redo it that did it the first day. I managed to get the form to drop after 14 druids, now i know im weird i have alot of druids i havent counted them but i think i have 25 or 26 druids. Its been my class of choice since 15 years. I only collect mogs that druids can use and so on. When it comes to gear its still a disaster i managed to get 1! piece of gear on those 14 kills. And as others said it goes straight in to your bags with no pop ups on the middle of the screen so check the chat and have your bag open to make sure if it dropped or not.

I hope they take in to account that most people might only have 1 druid and get 1 chance a week and put a reasonable droprate accordingly


sob didnt get its been everyday

I think Ive killed this guy 15+ times total and haven’t seen one piece of loot. Hunter every week, and sometimes a druid or warlock.

yeah except for my paladin that got 3 belts - my others characters haven’t been getting anything - one extreme to the next.