World boss Aurostor seems to be dropping loot at a 100% drop chance for all classes except for druid currently. This seems unintended /shrug
I didn’t get anything on my priest…
I did the world boss on 10 different classes. They all got a drop except my druid.
Everyone in my guild is getting loot except me and our druids,
Edit: It is not showing up as a lockout under ‘raid’ info either.
can confirm here. I killed it on my DK, DH, Hunter and Druid. All got loot except the druid
Same, no loot except the stupid crests…
I didn’t get anything on my monk.
I didn’t get anything on my Druids but I got loot on every other alt I tried.
Nothing on my druids…
Same thing here… ran it on 3 different druids on 2 different realms and nothing v.v
I didn’t get anything on my evoker earlier.
Nothing on druid 4/4 on ALTS currently trying the 5th on my Warlock will update
Yep 5/5 just got another belt on my lock LOL
Blizzard please confirm if its a bug or should i go and buy a lottery ticket
I knew something was off when I did it on my Druid. It definitely isn’t registering loot for Druid’s right now. We better get our lockout on the boss fixed then. I wanted a legit shot at the bear form.
Nothing on my Druid either
0/4 for loot on druids, 7/7 for loot on non-druids.
Can I have my runebear appearance, please? I’m pretty sure the world boss was trying to award it and failing for whatever reason.
Nothing on my druid
can also confirm, 8 alts every single one got a piece of loot except for my druid and like someone said above my druid still has no lockout for this boss as if I hadn’t even killed it yet.
I just want my rune bear blizz
Have Blizzard acknowledged this anywhere yet?
I have all 13 classes at 70.
I got 3 mail belts, 3 plate belts, 3 leather gloves, and 3 cloth pants.
No loot on my druid.
Those 4 items are in order on the boss’s loot table.