Work Order Spamming with no mats

Really, there should just be an option to permanently toggle off people who aren’t offering mats. If they did that then it would be fine.


Yeah, see I know this and would set it at 4. Also, pretty easy for blizzard to not allow a 5 at all right in the UI.

I thought this was the case with personal orders anyway. It’s been a while now, but I had a crafter tell me to set max 4 as he wouldn’t see it or something if I set it at 5.

Like I mentioned I had pretty close to 50 items done just on public just last week. The bulk of them came through at 5. A fair bit a 4 which I was good anyway with just putting them out there. But I did get a few 3s which I did not want.

I went public because I didn’t have time to spam trade for hours on end looking for crafters as all my time was spent running back and forth to the AH on 20 toons. Previous crafts I had done I didn’t know which servers the players were on.

I provided the mats on public orders, but I don’t tip a huge amount. Part of the reason for that is I can’t set a min quality. A massive tip and a 3 would tick me off for sure.

This is NOT cool! I don’t mind making something for 100 gold IF the customer provides all the materials, but them expecting anyone to just give their expensive materials away needs to stop.

I see pages of the same person listing Dracothyst with 25g commissions.

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Just ignore the orders then, IDK why people got their panties in a bunch about it either. Yeah it sucks that their trying to scam people into using their own mats. Yet at the end of the day it doesn’t matter, and if you really want to mess with them just use an alt to low quality craft the non expensive stuff, so that it’s mostly worthless to them.

I don’t mind making these if the person uses their own mats as I can get a resource return in exchange for the low commission cost. Yet the best thing you can do is simply never fill their orders if their not providing the materials. It’s obvious someone is or their scamming people successfully which is why their doing it, yet at the end of the day the system makes it blatantly obvious that you would be using your own materials through check marks and a warning. Meaning if you don’t speed clock through things then you should be fairly warned of what your about to do.

I don’t even look at the Work Orders tab anymore, unless I’m really desperate to level up the profession of an alt.

9/10 orders are someone posting a request for 10g in which you need to provide them with all the materials, including mettle.

Because the way the system was created invites scammers. Public orders should have never allowed no materials and no tip large enough to cover the materials. Guild and personal orders are fine like that, but not public orders. People said as much as soon as it was added in the pre-patch, but no one listened.

Even then scammers would simply do the same with personal orders given you don’t have to provide all the materials for those either. In fact I use that to my advantage when making things for my alts, just take it also people being poopy people, always has and will happen.

I haven’t bothered with crafting this expansion, it seems like a Charlie Foxtrot. Is there no checkbox for “Requestor has mats”?

That’s less likely, though. A random person, and usually the same random people, mass order so it’s more likely they’ll get a bite. They’d have to know enough people that can craft that specific item in order to mass order, so it’s not as viable an option.

Dang, I’ve never used the work order system to craft other players stuff, but I’ve used it to get my own stuff made.

I usually tip double what the mats cost if I don’t have em.

But also I’m like “this other human at least leveled up and such to get the item I wanna make…that should be rewarded too”

I guess my service industry life carried over here lol.

I don’t even care tipping the 10k or whatever it might be that time, I know I’ll make that gold back before that days over anyways and I have a new shiny item I can run around with


You guys get work orders?

cries in alchemist

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Less than thirty seconds of thought, and I can create a system where BoP mats are not needed for crafting AND players doing harder / higher effort content could still use crafted items.

Step 1: Add recipes for base items that do not require BoP materials, items can be crafted by any crafter with the mats and sold on the AH - no work orders required.

Step 2: Reward / drop BoP ‘materials’ or ‘currency’ specific to the difficulty / effort of content that can be used at an NPC to set the ilvl of crafted items specific to the ‘material’ or ‘currency’ based on its source.

No work orders required.

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That was Shadowlands.

Spoiler: People Hated It

People actually look at public orders since they made it so mats weren’t required? I knew this would happen. I don’t even look at public stuff anymore.

I couldn’t do them before due to the terrible knowledge system. Now I won’t do them because I’m not going to give out free gear to people lol.


/shrug People post tailoring orders with mats provided all the time. I’ve probably made like 50k in the past few weeks…for nothing more than checking the table every so often, and pushing a button.

Right but with some bot setup and etc would be simple enough to spam as much as they want, people can be very depraved in the game. I still remember the DK bot army that was doing some pandaria LFR instance that probably made gold cap if not more in gold for the was running.

If there’s enough incentive people will do things like the above, and currently there is enough incentive. If they can sucker people into crafting a dracothyst for 69 silver, those were some of the postings on my server with zero materials. Then they stand to net 8k per scam for pure profit, which of course has a huge draw given how much you stand to earn on others misfortunes.

Unfortunately this is also a side effect of the type of market blizzard has created as well, in that there are no controls on costs. Along with generation of gold which is why things are so inflated given botters and the like spam quests and instances to generate tons of gold to sell it or for their own personal gain. Meaning that people have free reign to do what their doing currently with little yo no consequences, and even then the consequences are a slap on the wrist the bulk of a time or take way too long to enact, causing the damage to already be done before it can be prevented.

Yeah I wish that was case for me, I have alch and engineering, pls add something worth crafting to engineering too blizzard XD. In which all the current public orders are scam orders of shears with zero mats provided and a pitiful amount of gold, or dracothyst with zero mats provided and again a pitiful amount of gold.

I’m fine with using my own mats so long as the cost the covered, yet people don’t do that typically so I never fill their orders, and I hope their orders don’t get filled either.

As a player who goes out of there way 2-3 times per week (I can screenshot upload to prove said claim)by posting the Plate Bracers as public paying people on avg 40-50g just so they can get there weekly done while using my own materials since I farm more than I should I agree with what you are saying that and people wanting crafting orders done say for example Primal Molten allloy with no materials and tipping 100g.When they cost 2-3 times that much on the auction house.

I have been taking a list of these people and for other professions I have for future crosschecking etc.I would like to see some changes to that part of the system mainly not being able to request a public work order for something that will cost the crafter more than what the lowballer is offering.For example if they want 5 primal molten alloy and tip 100g with no materials then the game should not allow that post to go up.There needs to be some threshold for this due to said people trying to basically scam high end crafting mats for pennies.