Work on explanations for quests! I have no clue what to do

None of this makes any sense. What’s a radiant echo? How do I do one? Do I talk to someone, go somewhere, or do something? I’m entirely lost and feel stupid.


I left feedback in the game, but I wanted to support this as well. As someone who actually reads quest text, the whole resonant echo and memories was completely confusing.


Mind explaining it to me? I still haven’t gotten it done. Seriously, how am I supposed to test anything if I can’t even figure out what I’m supposed to be doing?


Which zone is this in?

I want to see if I can work it out when I get to testing this weekend.

The stuff in Dalaran with the Echoes and the portals is part of the eventual pre-path stuff. It seems the events are not working properly. Go back to Stormwind, there should be a HUGE Tauren standing there. Talk to him and he will let you skip all that and start the expansion question material.


One of the first quests you get after visiting Magni in Silithus and heading to Dalaran is to do an Memory of an Adventure event. It doesn’t tell you what to do, but I figured out it was to enter one of three portals and pick up a quest to do a Radiant Memory. Now that’s the question. Mine is to kill memory of Ragnaros. But it doesn’t say where he is. Does he spawn somewhere in Searing Gorge as implied or do I do Molten Core? It doesn’t say.

They really need to work on explaining things like this in their quest text.


As others have said, the context of the radiant echo event from the pre-patch.

But the event itself does need some work in terms of explaining how to complete it. It just needs more transparency on that front, which I whole heartedly agree with. - I.e. mini bosses spawn around the zone at which point the main boss like Ragnoros or the Lich King spawn and then the event is completed through that from what I can tell.

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Not much point in trying to complete this currently


i went to storm wind thats for the adventure, it was actually in dal, hes amost next to anduin the tauren, you can do the first option to skip yes but it actually does not left you into the city it ports you there yes but you see it for maybe 10 seconds then ports you to sw, again thanks for the wrong information wrong city, guess we all waiting for the game to be fixed since we all stuck before the city

you zoomers woulda never made it trying to find manrieks wife


I never read the quests but generally they have yellow circles on the map as to where you go and then I just mouse over the mobs to see if they are dropping what I need.

100% hard agree. I had to google it and found an article from the Alpha describing these Echo events on Wowhead. That’s how I figured out I needed to check my map for the circles that direct you to the zone you need to travel to. There was no explanation in the quest text at all. With how broken things are on beta right now, it’s impossible to know if something is intended, or just… borked.

Funny, considering I’ve been playing since 2004 and never had an issue. Besides, his name is Mankrik. Not Manriek.


I did that quest in vanilla. It told you exactly what to do. It didn’t tell you exactly where to find his wife, but it told you the actual objective and gave plenty of clues in his dialogue to find her.

The quest they’re talking about doesn’t give you any objective except complete the objective. It’s a poorly written quest.


mankirk, mankrik
there are many truths, many perspectives

I’m not disagreeing with the main point, the quest in beta has literally no information, however saying the older quests provided more context clues just does not hold up that well. Just to provide recent relevant context:

“We battled in a small tauren camp when we were separated–she held three of the Bristlebacks off by herself. But the odds began to overwhelm us. I led some away only to see her overwhelmed by newcomers. In my rage, I turned to face my enemies, but they brought me down easily with their vast numbers.
I awoke to a tauren druid tending my wounds–he had come across me on the Gold Road as I fell.
Please, X, find some sign of my wife.”

that is the exact quest text from him. that tells you literally nothing outside of near the literal longest road in the barrens.

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Even that has more clues. Look for signs of his wife by looking for Bristleback along the Gold Road. They were kind of hit and miss, though. There’s one quest in Auberdine (vanilla/classic) that asks you get mushrooms from a cave, and it tells you exactly where to go, along the mountain range to the easst and slightly north of the river (paraphrased). Then there’s the Anya’s pendent one where it tells you a general location. Regardless, the one posted about is bugged, apparently, so I used the Wayfinder to skip it.

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Camp Taurajo is the only small Tauren camp on the Gold Road. There’s way more context than you think:

Except in vanilla the map did not auto-fill out until you explored it. So, you wouldn’t have that context relating to where that camp is. You would have to go up and down the gold road in order to find it. Even then the hut she is at isn’t next to the camp, it’s near a bridge and it’s partially covered by an extra tent.

I recall a lot of people going to the right of the road first near the quillboars in order to find her instead of to the left where she is at.

My point still remains the same. There were a ton of quests throughout that were incredibly vague and, in some cases, led you down paths that were entirely unnecessary.

Given the context of this thread, I think this convo should be moved to a separate thing on the classic or general threads though, it’s branching into a discussion about non-beta related things.

Stryges, I don’t see anyone in Org to be able to skip all the Dalaran stuff.