Memories of Adventures Past quest broken

Like the title says, quest appears to be bugged and Remembered Onyxia never spawns in Dustwallow Marsh for Broken Masquerade quest. Easily 20 people here waiting and there’s been nothing for at least 20 minutes now. Same issue in Searing Gorge for the quest Champion of the Waterlords, the Remembered Firelord never spawns, some people have been here for 3 hours waiting. The area around Dragonblight for the Only Darkness quest is phasing repeatedly with probably 70+ people there waiting for the Remembered Lich King, who also never spawns. The Dalaran Crater portal leads to nothing, no quests for Radiant Echoes, this is also the same for the portal to Karazhan.

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The way these seem to work is that there’s an event that starts that needs 6 of the sub-events to be cleared before the boss for those quests will spawn, but that boss is not scaled properly and tends to die in an awful hurry, after which more sub-events continue to spawn to give people something to farm currency from.

Only one of the three continents will have the event active at a time, and it’ll only be active for 90 minutes in that zone.

Are you saying you’ve actually seen the process working as intended?

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I didn’t get credit for the Lich King, but I was in the zone when he spawned, yes.

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I appreciate the info, thanks. I don’t think I’ll personally be able to get him to spawn because as soon as I get near the blue quest circle, everyone phases away and it’s just me with literally nothing going on.

He doesn’t spawn there anyway. Lich King spawns just south of WRT. No idea on the other two. Also, make sure you aren’t phasing from a Northrend quest, there are a couple of phases for the Wrathgate.

Interesting, I probably didn’t do the quests, but that’s where the quest from the NPC at WRT told me to go. Suppose I’ll circle back and see if I can catch him south of the tower like you said. Thank you!

Edit: I was actually just able to complete the event in Searing Gorge! Wasn’t sure what I looking for without your helpful comment so I’ll leave this post up in case someone else is having issues, thanks again.

Edited Edit: Killed Ragnaros twice after completing a number of mini events and still have not gotten credit towards Radiant Echoes event completed.

Same here. No credit for completion. The text on the screen telling us to defeat Ragnaros never went away even after he died. No credit. Others also mentioned not getting quest completion.

Were you able to get credit for the in-zone quest from the NPC and/or did you turn it in?

EDIT: For clarity, I’m asking purely so that if the Devs do read the thread they have that information as well. I’ve already closed out for the night for a fresh, less frustrated attempt at things tomorrow when things are hopefully more stable.


I did get credit for the in zone quest and I was able to turn it in, but it did not trigger credit for Memories of Adventures Past, sadly.


I am also having the same issue as Katalynie. I got the credit for the in-zone quest from the NPC and I turned it in. However, the Memories of Adventures past does not complete.

I’ve killed Ony and Rag but still haven’t been able to complete the quest. This is on a copied character so I can’t even progress into the storyline because I think it’s gate kept behind this since I gathered all of Magni’s family.

I believe we’re having the same issue, I’ve done two of the Echo’s events, killed Rag and completed the quest for the Waterlords that was out there, killed Ony, and completed several of the spawn points around the Marsh but Khadgar’s quest still won’t go to completed. I also managed to do the chain with Magni and then gathering his family, but from there i cannot find another quest. But my toon is a newly created Mage, haven’t been able to do a copy.

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I don’t even know how to do this quest. Who do I talk to, where do I go, what do I do? They really need to work on their quest text for exaplanations. Seriously. I’m stuck and can’t move forward or test anything.

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Hearth back to home city, then go find the giant tauren and talk to him. He will port you to Dornagol.

Now, you will likely get DC’d every few minutes when turning in a quest, looting a body, or sneezing too hard, but you will get past the Dalaran stuff.


I just killed the memory of the Lich King 3 times and didn’t get completion credit for the Memories of Adventures Past quest. I did get credit for the in zone quest though. This also happened to me with Rag. I’ve done the gathering of Magi family but have no other quest for that popping up. Not sure if it’s gated behind Memories of Adventures Past.

This event needs better explanation. I went to 3 different locations looking for the boss, not realizing there was supposed to be a mini event before it appears, that only one location has a boss up at a time, or that lingering memory locations on the map indicates the event is actually over in the zone.

No idea if collecting Residual Memories is worth it or what they’re used for.

I’m just going to skip this for now.

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There is a vendor near the portals in Dalaran that sells items in exchange for the currency.


the way this is currently is absolutely horrible design. its the garbage hearthstone event all over. it needs to be in all zones all at once to spread it out too.

That’s good to know. I’ll keep that in mind if I go back to it. Thanks!