Worgen Paladin

To me monk makes more sense for Worgen than most other classes BECAUSE of the curse!

I mean, it’s a class where you devote yourself to meditation, balance, inner calm… It seems to me the race that turns into rage monsters would be particularly interested in the ways of a monk so that they have better control over their curse.

The real reason Worgen and Goblins don’t get monks is their starter zones.


I’ve heard that one before. And while I understand the idea, it seems like rather faulty logic when applied to other races in the same way. The idea that, because a race has a problem, they should become the class that “cancels out” that problem.

[Race] are the least [adjective] race. So therefore they should be [class]s to compensate!

  • Worgen are the least graceful race. So therefore they should be ninjas to compensate!
  • Goblins are the least environmentaly friendly race, so they should be druids to make up for it!
  • Void Elves are touched by shadow, so they should be paladins to help maintain sanity!

Or why not apply that to real life? Pursue a career that “cancels out” your problem. Got dyslexia, become an author to cancel that out! If you have asthma, become an astronaut to fix it! If you’re short, just become a professional basketball player! If you’ve got bad aim, become a sniper! Got shakey hands, just become a surgeon! The list goes on.

I’m not saying a worgen can’t try yoga, a goblin can’t recycle, or that a Void Elf can’t pray to the Light for help. But becoming a master in that field, when the very nature of what you are is acting against you, is an entirely different story. It’s not impossible, but it’s uncharacteristic, and thus unlikely.


All humans should be able to be Paladins - be they from Stormwind, Lordaeron, Gilneas or Kul Tiras.

Paladin is the quintessential Human class.

We already have trolls ‘‘paladins’’ (A.K.a. prelates) and druid humans!

So I see no reason not to have worgen “paladins”!
If trolls can have sacred power, achieved by their connection with the Loas, worgen can also, if Elune is the deity they are serving! In D & D, there are many sacred warriors serving their deities!

Worgen referred to by Elune, as his “venger”, would not be so impossible!
And I could punish the wicked, in the name of Elune!!! :wink:

I’ve felt like a Void based setup for void elves makes a lot of sense as well.
We’re talking a race that was already capable of being paladins, and somehow being void infused means they no longer are? I figure there’d be those that’d learn to use the void in the same manner. Would also make a nice option for forsaken and others that choose it.

The way the story with the elves is going, it’d be a real nice time for Elune based paladins with silvery effects. We already have a priestess of the moon become a paladin in the last expansion, and they are essentially warrior priestesses. Plus their culture has taken some big hits lately.

I think Tyrande could really give the night elves a martial edge by more fully embracing the warrior priest(ess) idea and having Elune paladins, then doing something she’s done before since they’re in dire straits by waking the night elven worgen. Perhaps some of them could even be trained to be paladins as well as the Gilneans. There’d be warriors and priests amongst their ranks as well. Fits the moon theme pretty well.

This actually sounds like a really good reason you’d have some worgen become monks, to better calm their animalistic side shrugs

This is the same thing being said over in the San’layn thread about why they could be druids. Not in the typical sense, but in a game mechanics sense as it’s a class that could capture the shape changing aspect by giving them some beastly death/blood related forms.
Could even give balance/resto some death/blood/necro themes to the spell effects.
They’d be more shape shifters but sort of druids of death, which KT are sort of halfway between life and death.

I like the “Children of Goldrinn” name for Night Elf Worgen =D
With all the time the Worgen are spending with the Night Elves, I could see them teaching them more about Elune, especially with the whole moon/werewolf link.
So if we had Night Elves embracing their warrior priestess routes more fully and becoming paladins of Elune, I could definitely see that being something as an option for Gilnean and Night Elven Worgen both.

Perhaps it could even lead to some additional customization options available just like the NE got the night warrior options.

Ah, sure, but what if existing Worgen that were already cursed, decided to then train to become a paladin. Perhaps it’s an aspect of the Light that prevents curses etc as well, and since these kind could be tied to Elune then that makes it different. Throwing out ideas.

Claws of Elune? What’d be a good name? lol

Doesn’t that only apply if they are channeling that specific Light?

Yeah he’ll probably be back. Shame he couldn’t have been included on the racial.


Football players sometimes take ballet.
Void elves should definitely channel the void in a martial plate wearing style…just use paladin with void effects or make a new void based melee caster class =D

Or they could be called Goldrinn’s repressorer!

Since we’ve been discussing Worgen…

Did anyone catch the “shape-shifters” episode of Love, Death, and Robots? =D

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Also binged “The Order”. Don’t judge me.

Oooh I saw that listed but haven’t watched yet. Is it good?

A bunch of the episodes of LDR left me wishing they were entire series.
Very well done.

Soon as “Suits” started up, I mentally thought “Starcraft” mainly due to music, and then it just keep reinforcing that thought. Even the main character is voiced by Tychus. That episode could have easily taken place in the Starcraft universe.


We’re talking about the Void Elves. The race who accidentally became void-touched, has old god tentacles wriggling from their scalp, and has to fight the void’s evil whispers to remain sane. We’ve seen what happens when you embrace and try to weaponize that power. We had a whole Hearthstone expansion on it, several cults, and a Horde war chief turnes raid boss.

“Dark Paladin” sounds supah kewl in concept, but we’ve seen how that turns out. Plus, I doubt our good king would be happy about “Shadow Knights” in his ranks.

Warlocks, Death Knights, and Demon hunters all say he’d be fine with it.
Plus we’ve got the void elves in general.

It’d be a fun class. Something all new would be better, but who knows how likely that’d be. Shadowpriests seem to manage just fine. A Melee variant of that works.

I’m a werewolf fan, and I love the “secret war” and “masquerade” tropes, so I loved it. Morally Grey warlock society versus incompetent werewolf heroes. Unique and unpredictable.

I’ll have to get around to watching it. I’d wondered if it’d be any good when I saw it listed and read it was about werewolves.

Faction asymmetry was destroyed a long, long time ago. Now, we have Lightforged Draenei Shadow Priests and Void Elf Holy Priests… so, sure, why not. It couldn’t possibly do any more damage to the game.

Prelates have only been around since MoP.

If you have evidence that shows otherwise, though, please show it. Others have been unable to support the same claim, and have gone with the “You just can’t connect imaginary dots!” route. In a game where everything is laid out in lore, there have to be actual sources, otherwise a claim like “Zandalari have been Paladins since before Humans were!” is just fan fiction.

Despite the name, the worgen curse isn’t actually curse type magic. It’s a druid transformation spell that went viral. It’s also not shadow based, it comes from a combination of life (Goldrinn’s power) and light (Elune’s power). There is no reason for paladins to be immune to it. It’s only called a curse because people were scared of it.


There is a tabletop game called Werewolf the Forsaken. It has 5 distinct tribes of werewolves and each tribe has various lodges that worker somwthing like backstories and occupations from D&D.

One werewolf tribe is the Blood Talons, who are basically proud warrior race werewolves that hunt other werewolves. They have one lodge called Lodge of the Rose, which are basically chivalrous werewolf knights.


For my own thoughts on Worgen Paladins, I would like them to be like Black Priors from For Honor. Vicious knights clad in black armor that emphasize hard into the vengeance aspect of the class.

Then again I also feel like Worgen should have stayed a shadow race instead of retconned into druidism. Most other settings have nature werewolves, I personally would have liked some that take the “creature of the night” concept more literally and used shadow magic and conjure dark spirits. (The Nightbane Worgen were amazing for this very reason.)

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And here we are with Troll Paladins

I think seeing a terrifying killer wolf straight out of a Stephen King novel wielding the holy light and hiding under light bubbles like pussies would be stupid. Let’s focus on getting the Worgen a straight back option.

Although, what do I know? Void Elves can be priests and Zandalari Trolls can’t be Warlocks so Blizzard obviously stopped caring.

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I saw this episode! interesting!

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