Worgen Paladin

Au Contraire
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Aren’t Paladins immune to curses and diseases lore-wise? It’s a significant reason of why they were so effective against the Undead, since they were invulnerable to the Plague of Undeath, as well of course, as Light Magic being strong against the demonic nature of the Scourge’s necromancy.

Considering every playable Gilnean is a Worgen, it’d make sense that you can’t play a Worgen Paladin since a Paladin can’t be a Worgen.


If new lore can be created so that Tauren channel The Light through Anshe to become “paladins” then new lore can be created so Worgen can channel The Light of Elune to become “paladins” as well. I use paladins in quotes bc while mechanically for gameplay Tauren paladins are the same as human paladins, they’re not the same in hierarchy, belief structure and culture, hence why their lore name is sunwalkers not paladins. The same applies to prelates and could apply to Worgen “paladins.”

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Pretty much this. Lorewise Paladins were said to be immune to these things. It is because of their unique nature with the light. Where a priest wields the light as a source of energy, a paladin embodies it. Most undergo rituals or hold vigils to become a vessel of the light. If a worgen were to be a paladin, they’d just be a normal human, minus the worgen curse.

As for the Kul Tirans which some people here have reference. It just isn’t part of their culture. It is important to remember that it isn’t techincally impossible for most races to be most combinations, usually if an unplayable combination exists, it is because it is an outlier and not the norm. For example, a human druid would make no sense because druidism isn’t a part of the culture of Stormwind humans, yet it makes sense for worgen because the old ways were still practiced in Gilneas.

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That’s true, but Gilnean’s official religion is still that of the Holy Light, even if many still adhere to the “Old Ways” and thus can practice Druidism (or at least lore-wise, a basic version of it).

If they became a Paladin, they wouldn’t be a Blood Knight like a Blood Elf, a Loa’s Prelate like a Zandalari or a Sunwalker like a Tauren, they’d be a Paladin, like the Dwarves and Humans of Stormwind.

Zandalari Prelate does not equal Paladin that’s just pretty much what you have to pick. The same way sunwalker/blood knight doesn’t mean paladin in the same way stormwind human does.

My issue with Zandalari paladins is their lore isn’t properly defined. From my understanding prelates got their power from Rezan. Rezan is considered dead though is he not? If that is the case, prelates should have lost their power. Either I’m missing something, or it just feels like they were thrown in last minute to meet the request of another horde paladin race.

True, the long culture of humanity includes worship of The Light. However, they’ve been living with the Night Elves a few years now. There may be some Gilneans, especially those that are Worgen that are converting to worshippers of Elune. Some may even conflate the two religions together in some logical gymnastics.

I don’t think they lose their power, however I think it’s lessened without rezan. Might need fact checking on that.

Even with Rezan’s “death”, it didn’t cut off the Prelates power, or at least not all of them. We can see this from the Paladins still kicking around in Battle of Dazar’alor.

Lore-wise, PC Zandalari Paladins are just one of those lucky few who didn’t get their powers cut off. Though I don’t exactly know when the character is created chronologically.

The ones who’d trend towards the more Nelf culture probably don’t have much inclination to the Light. I’d imagine the ones who go towards Elune would be more the Druids, Hunters, etc, than the Priests.

I really would like Worgen Paladins. I sorta wish Zandalari never got to be, even with all the lore behind it.

Imagine a it, a patriotic Gilnean in black plate armor and a big ol righteous werewolf hammer. Man.

It’s possible for a normal human paladin to transmog to a Gilnean paladin, with the tabard and everything. Lorewise, it would also make sense, because he would be unafflicted.


Worgens are aberrations, hence they can’t be a vessel of the light like Paladins.
That’s the same as asking for Undead / Void Elf Paladins…

Paladins were never a part of Gilneas’ culture or army before they closed themselves off. The Light is the major faith in Gilneas and they do have priests. I don’t know if that’s just a result of the shadow spec not being its own thing, though.

Worgen are supposed to represent the darker and fiercer side of the Alliance. Thematically they would clash with the paladin class. I don’t know if there is a real lore reason related to the curse or not, though. I think it’s just a cultural thing.

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Apparently Thiess wasn’t the only tale in history of a werewolf that fights witches for God. In the 1600s there were tales of an order of werewolves known as the Benandanti Werewolves. They would leave their bodies and become werewolves 3 to 4 times a year to go to Hell to fight the Malandanti.

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Thematically the paladin class could equate to things like the Crusaders, Templars and the Inquisition. That’s some dark happenings. Just because you’re the “good guys” doesn’t mean you’re nice and clean. Sort of like how angels are described in “The Prophecy,” " A whole existence spent praising your God, but always with one wing dipped in blood."

I just want Worgen Pallies bc most dogs are good boi’s…their movements and everything I love, and would fit right in as a pally

This is something I have been interested In for a very long time. It would solve the issue for me of only having two healing classes available for the race, and it would be my favorite class aesthetically speaking in the game finally playable for a race stickler such as myself!

The reason why its possible have been stated many times before, but a couple I would like to point out is the Church of the Holy Light and Gilneas calling harvest witches “the old ways” signifies that Gilneans are moving to the more modern notion of the Light.
Another thing people mention all the time is THE WALL. It didnt go up until after the flashy second war where paladins showed off what they can do, and how the light could be wielded in retribution. The wall was put up in opposition of how the grumpy king wanted orc refugees handled AFTER the war was all but over.

Anyway I’m totally for it, it’s not ridiculous in the slightest, it offers a solution to lack of healer choices and aesthetically worgens look best armored in a full suit of plate.

The only problem I see is blizzard seems to hate worgens, they’ve had bugs and issues with their models for almost 10 years, and the time it’s taking for simple visual updates to roll out is ridiculous, so worgen love is unlikely.


Gg. *More ninja furries.

Sounds like the Benandanti werewolves. Which claimed to be Hounds of God when accused of being witches, but who turned out to just be witches after all.

That’s a cool detail! I’m gonna have to look that one up.

Well for one, not all Kaldorei became buffed by Tyrande’s ritual either. For two, the worgen curse is possibly more Elune than it is Goldrinn, especially given the comic and the artifact weapon. It was a priestess of Elune that made the Scythe, Elune that wanted it made, and the artifact is one part nature two parts arcane.

Supposedly so. Yet I don’t know if the worgen affliction would count as a “curse” in this regard or not. It makes sense for a paladin to be resistant to simple fel, death, and shadow magic. But tue worgen curse comes from too benevolent gods, both far more powerful than the everyday curse-throwing witch or warlock.

Ahah, that’s it. I haven’t finished the book I bought on them, but if I remember correctly, although they claimed to be fighting for God, they ended up just being witches.

A good point. But the point still stands, when I think of a paladin, I think of a noble and just guardian. When I think of a werewolf, I think of a furious and savage embodiment of the wild. Two concepts that do not seem to work well together.

Even when it comes to real life - as you say - Templars, Crusaders, and modern believers, there are verses warning against embracing your anger, envying or becoming animals, and dabbling in witchcraft. Meanwhile the believer is urged to be just, forgiving, and collected.

Now if it were explained that the worgen curse could be removed by becoming a Paladin, that would be ome thing. I’m not opposed to any one character following the Light. But I can’t see a worgen being a champion of the Light, and a worgen at the same time.

And maybe that’s just close minded of me. But somehow, some reason, in my mind, the concept of Werewolf and Paladin seem to conflict.

Thiess was found guilty of heresy but not witchcraft. Some people speculated that the Malandanti pretended to be Benandanti and that’s who ended up being tried as witches. Either way, it’s some real interesting stuff. Wish it was less obscure.

A work around could be that they’re not champions of The Light. Rather they’re champions of Elune, and wield the power of Elune’s Light. In lore they’d be different but in game mechanics they could be the same.

Agreed. I bought a book on them, but I’ve yet to read ot fully.

Now that, that I’d be ok with. Kaldorei and Worgen getting paladins, as in champions of Elune.