Worgen Paladin

Bc why not…make it happen actiblizz…I’ll be set for life


Sorry no dogs allowed. Dem the rules


There is a reason why we say “At least we don’t sparkle”.


If they were to add a moon/Elune night elf paladin with silvery visuals, this could be a good addition to Worgen as well since they’re werewolves and allied closely with the Night elves and Army of the Dark Moon.

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Yes please, along with Worgen monks.


Ninja furries? No, sorry, they’ve got that rage thing. That uncontrollable frenzy makes being a monk or paladin rather difficult.

“Your feral side will never be fully at rest. When you are driven to anger, or when you concentrate with a force of will, the animal within you will come forward. There is no full cure.” - Belysra Starbreeze, Curse of the Worgen

I would love to see worgen rogues able to fight with just their claws, though, like giving rogues a “Hidden Weapon” transmog option.

Now that, sir, is an interesting idea. The Kaldorei have been in need of a “night warrior” class of some kind for a long time now, Elunic power has been known to resemble both Arcane and Light, and she’s one of - if not THE - other major deities worthy of having a loyal follower. That might just work, if it is fully explained in a questline.


That’s messed up lol

I think they should be able to be paladins.

They’re good boys.



I see this argument made rather often but I’ve lost most if not all of my drive to argue against it so instead I’ll be do something I rarely do…



Goblin and Worgen monks would be wonderful. It baffles me how every single race, lore breaking or not, has monks but Worgen and Goblins do not.

Also, I kinda forgot to stay on topic… Worgen Paladins would be wonderful. Makes sense. Don’t see a reason they couldn’t be one.


Probably for the same reason why Kul Tirans can’t be paladins. To make them feel different from Stormwind humans. Apparently being a giant wolf monster isn’t enough.


Well any type of troll being a paladin makes no sense to me but we’re past that now


Zandalari have been paladins long before humans came around. We are called Prelates.


If you only look at paladin in the traditional sense, it won’t make sense. But if you understand that they aren’t actually Paladins they make much more sense.

Each race that can be “Paladin” is unique in how they go about worshiping their holy source of magic. The term paladin is used as a blanket term for the whole class for gameplay reasons.

Tauren worship the sun and are actually sunwalkers.

Blood Knights receive their power from the Sunwell which is a source of both holy and arcane energy.

Draenei are vindicators that receive their holy powers from the Naaru. Lightforge take it a step further and make their body a conduit of pure holy energy by going through the lightforging process, becoming a true vessel of holy power.

Zandalari obtain their holy power from their faith in the loa as prelates. They don’t have the same faith, culture, or moral standing as the traditional human and dwarf paladin organization.


“No dogs and no fatties allowed”
-The Light.


You are so right… Oh wait, I forgot Pandaren exist.


In Neil Gaiman’s “The Graveyard Book” there is a werewolf character that calls herself a Hound of God. She believed that her kind were warriors of God and that lycanthropy was a gift from the Lord.

This idea really intrigued me. It lead me down a rabbit hole that found a poem titled “The Hound of Heaven.” There’s a wonderful reading of it by Richard Burton.

Also I ran across an interesting article about an old man that was found to be a werewolf by the Inquisition. He did not deny it but claimed that it was a gift from God so that he could fight Satan’s minions on Earth. I wish I could find that article again.

I was wrong it wasn’t the Inquisition. Thiess of Kaltenbrun was tried for heresy for claiming that he was a werewolf. He said he was a Hound of God and fought against witches and demons with other werewolves.

So while the idea of Holy Warrior Werewolves isn’t typical, it is an idea that does have a claw in myths and legends and lore.


I mean, pandas probably weren’t on Kezan or in the secluded walls of Gilneas during the cataclysm. It could work if they added a small faction of worgen and goblins by the human/orc starter zones respectively for monk to let them be monks but I doubt they would get the training when they originally start.

And to worgen paladins go for it!

As a labrador owner, I really REALLY hate those signs.

Can’t describe how much hatred I feel towards those words.

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Have there been any Gilnean Paladins in lore? I know there’s a big old cathedral in Gilneas, and that some still do worship the light (Genn Greymane specifically mentions he prays to it in Before the Storm) but never heard of any Gilnean Pally’s

I thought we were “Children” of Goldrinn not Elune? seeing as the nightwarrior ritual didn’t seem to benefit any worgen