Worgen Paladin

I quite liked it.
Knew I’d recognized the secondary character too…Ferg from Longmire =P

Sure, as long as gnome demon hunters are added too.

Worgen should be able to become paladins. Paladins were an active force during the second war. Gilneas was part of the second war. They didn’t wall off the city and cut off all contact with everyone till after the war. I mean they can be priests and the Light is the primary religion of the people. If Forsaken can be holy priests then Worgen should be able to be paladins. Hell at this point I’d pay an extra $15 just to play one.


I think it’s a matter of idea to be appreciated by devs!
We already have prelates!

Why not, a version of this for worgen!
I think many worgen worship Goldrinn, in the way that sethraks do it for Sethraliss!

People seem to forget that our rage is under control now because of the druidic ritual in the starting area.

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Some people fail to read the whole comment, which directly quotes the comic, proving that said ritual is no cure-all.

Given, the Ritual of Balance does grant a means to manage that anger, like years of therapy in one ritual. Even Varian Wrynn took it, and it helped his anger management. But Wrynn still had anger, and so do worgen, evident in the books, short story, comics, and questlines. Ei Tobias Mistmantle in Duskwood, who is baited into worgen form by his undead brother, who he then kills. In my opinion, this rage would interfere with the “honor and justice” theme of the paladin, who only slay who deserve it.

People also seem to forget you’re not supposed to necro two month old threads. :thinking:

Paladins aren’t supposed to necro things. Unless you’re Anduin.

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Because, as the prophet foretold, everyone was Kung Fu Fighting.
