Worgen Need Tails!

His name is Lore but he doesn’t know this…

I used to vehemently disagree with this as well, but then I had this created in Bing Image Creator…


After that, I thought, y’know…maybe I would be down for a tail. :thinking:


Its not your frame, that is blizzards property, and as such they have the rights to use their resources as they please. tails or no tails people wont really touch them much due to horrendous racials. they should fix worgen racials first

Fixes like making Darkflight stack with other movement speed increasing effects / keeping you from dropping below 100% move speed.

Oh wow, that’s an awesome pic. Hoping worgen get tails and the chance to be fluffy yet fierce like that. I’d probably play a male worgen if so.


That is… amazing!

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I had a whole bunch of these kind of pics made the other day. I did some specifically for my characters and did some side by side comparisons. The results were interesting. :smile:

Characters Only AI Generated - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

make it an option

AI will be the end of us all, but nice to see we’re getting some enjoyment out of it before it takes over :slight_smile:

You should post the above image over in mega thread

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Dental plaaaaan!

I know quite well that lore isn’t static, but for things to evolve there must be a justifiable reason. Wanting Worgen to have tails is exclusively tied to the justification of “because I want it”. That would be no different from Orc players requesting purple skin tones “because I want it and purple is my favorite color”. It’s an out-of-universe request that doesn’t make sense and doesn’t fit with the Orcs as they are in WoW.

Sure, you could argue that a subgroup of Orcs have begun worshipping a Shadowmoon Clan Void Wolf Spirit and it’s turned their skin purple. However, you’re having to come up with something out of thin air for a request that doesn’t make sense in the first place. Inventing an excuse to “make it work” doesn’t mitigate the ridiculousness of the request.

There is simply no reason for Worgen to have or to want a tail in-universe. Werewolves with tails don’t exist in WoW, so no character (Worgen or otherwise) would even have the thought in their mind. With all the stuff that has involved the Worgen, there’s also no reason for Goldrinn to come along and grant them a blessing that would for some reason give them tails.

Let’s take the Highmountain for instance. Cenarius gave Huln Highmountain a blessing which resulted in the horns of the Highmountain Tauren to resemble a moose. This was only because Huln and his people helped during the War of the Ancients, and were quite vital. Nothing of such scale has since occurred involving the Ancients (such as Goldrinn), let alone one that additionally involved the Worgen.

A Wild God is very unlikely to just give a blessing for little or no reason. The Worgen don’t need Goldrinn for anything. They don’t need his help controlling their curse. Since leaving Gilneas they had gained control of their emotions and forms.

Blizzard has essentially already answered this request, it’s frankly time for it to be left alone. Concept art is meaningless and non-canon. Worgen didn’t get tails when Cata was put into alpha → beta → launch. They didn’t get tails when their updated models were released. They didn’t get tails when they got their heritage armor. They didn’t get tails when the Shadowlands customization was being given to everyone. They are certain to not be getting tails during this Gilneas reclamation story coming up because they would have advertised it. The goal post has long since been consumed by a black hole.

I understand your desire for such a feature, but it’s just being thrown into the Void. It’s simply not something Blizzard intends. From the very beginning of Worgens entering WoW, they were consciously given no tail. It may not be common for werewolves to be tail-less, but that was how Blizzard chose to do it for WoW.

Dude, I am going to let you in on a VERY well known fact. Worgen were originally going to have tails. The Concept art is out there. Yes Blizzard for some reason chose not to implement it, but the playerbase, especially the Worgen playerbase, have consistently championed for this option to be added.

It would be very easy for Blizzard to give a lore ‘excuse’ for Worgen to suddenly have optional tails. After all Goldrinn exists!

But telling people ‘Oh this thing you very obvbiously want and champion for is being thrown into the void’ just cause you can’t wrap your head around possible reasons why people WANT it, and how EASY it would be to come up with a justification, is surreal to me. So, with all the sincerity in the world, your opinion has been heard, Read, Processed, And thrown into the void.

Give Worgen Tails.


I’ll echo what iv said in other “worgen tail” threads, there is no justifiable lore reason to deny the request.
It makes just as much if not more sense to give a anthropomorphic wolf race tails that can easily be explained with Goldrinn or the Worgen Curse than Orcs suddenly getting straight backs, since Thrall originally was the only known Orc to be raised by Humans and have a more human posture. Is there anyone that doesn’t like that Orcs have this option?

It comes down to either selfishness (i dont want them so you can’t) or prejudice (eww furrys) to say no, i will also add since reading here it could also just be ignorance, since Worgen were originally conceptualised to have tails.

I agree that lore is important, but nothing changes to the lore in any substantial way by giving Worgen optional tails and there is nowhere stating that they cannot have them. You might aswell just say that you don’t want new customisation to come to any race.


Makes more sense to give Worgen Tails than some of the current (and upcoming) new race class combos…


lisa needs braces.

Give worgen tails!


The Wolfman. The granddaddy werewolf.

Worgen can’t have tails until humans get tails.

Okay, there’s some problems with this logic and we’re gonna break this down real quick.

One: Werewolves, AKA Lycanthropes, Vary in shape, Origin, and ability across every iteration throughout history. From being men wearing wolf skins, To large hulking beasts that look like wolves but walk on two legs, to literally just being feral wolves that are over sized and have the intelligence of a man.

Two: The Wolfman, Or Granddaddy Werewolf as you so erroneously put it, is not only not the first Werewolf, but was only designed the way he was by Hollywood due to the restrictions of media and costume making at the time. This design would go on to become more wolf-like in shape as the technology evolved to fit a better depiction of the legend.

Three: Give Worgen tails.

Four: Have a great morning.


More wolflike in a lot of ways, yeah. But usually without a tail.

It all depends on the budget of the movie. Animation of a tail can get expensive.

Also @lore give me a break. Goldrinn could give the Worgen a blessing cause he feels like it. You literally just gave a story of a race that got a blessing and changed but because it’s Worgen asking for it you also saying no. Hello pot meet kettle.