Worgen Need Tails!

How many Worgen Needs Tails Threads are there?

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Not enough, obviously, as we still don’t have tails.


In some media, yes, but not in all media. But again. This is something people want, and have wanted for a long time. Myself included.

Give Worgen Tails :heart:


Exactly! Great points
It doesn’t make sense to me as to why people are so against it, so odd, it’s literally just a TAIL, nothing game breaking lol


give Worgen tails 2024 here we go lol

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Hope everyone has a great Patch day. And may Blizzard smile on us and give Worgen tails!

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what lore? What lore says that because they are a hybrid druid shape means no tail? Last I checked even the feline hybrid form had a tail. There is just simply no GOOD reason for there not to be at least an option for a tail.
People who simply say no to having the option for a tail are merely trolls, intentionally keeping others from being happy, nothing more.


I want my tail option!


We should have gotten tails today. Blizzard could have made the worgen community exceedingly happy. Yet here we are. With a big Blizzard lugie in our eye.


Worgen are established and have been since before Cata as well. They weren’t a made up race for Cata’s launch. “Oh, it changed” isn’t a good enough reason to literally change their anatomy.

Dracthyr have it built in to the questline unlocking the Visage that they can choose what it looks like. Adding the option in a hypothetical future patch would just be following what the story describes.

That’s the difference.

That said, I’m only against Worgen getting tails until it actually happens. I don’t think they should get it specifically because I’d like some level of consistency with what they’re supposed to be. I don’t think this kind of thing should change on a whim because it’d look cool or whatever. BUT, I would absolutely use the option if it were in the game. It’s not like I’m going to boycott it. Once it’s in, it’s over, the damage is done, avoiding it doesn’t make it go away, and I do agree it would look good.

Isn’t there a megathread about this topic?

OP, they look like they got their tails amputated.

:cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat2: :cat:

Like how they already have there anatomy changed by the Worgen Curse. A wolf-like tail growing out is no stranger than growing fangs and claws.

If we are fine with something like dark skinned elfs or straight backed orcs always being present after getting that option, I see no problem with doing the same here while having no lore inconsistencies.
Even then, there have also been ideas brought up on other ways it can be introduced in a more natural way similar to the Night Elves night warrior stuff.


So all we got was a crappy mog and a lame mount. Tails would of been better.


What I’d like to see more than tails for Worgen are flower options for hair. Sort of like the Tauren hair options. With that said, yeah I’d like to see tail options too.

It’s time to give them tails and then we can have the Golden Oozaru Super Saiyan class

And then they collect rings to stay alive. Also, they run really fast.

Some can even fly with tail helicopters. Those are the ranged specs

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

He thinks naming himself that means he knows how it works too it seems, clearly he’s just a troll trying to use lore as a reason for why things shouldn’t change but the lore is always changing XD


Speaking of flowers, in case nobody else has yet noticed, the Forever-Lovely Rose is now liberated from its holiday specific prison.

So many people have been asking for this for such a long time. It doesnt hurt to add tails so just add them already blizzard seesh


Feels like decades now and its really sad. How hard is it to even add customization options now in days?

Blizzard wouldn’t know all they add is colors rather than real customization options.

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