I want it just for the top hat…
already did a post about it but:
This is the ideal heritage armor (bonus the tail)
Worgen never hay tails…
i know i know… but for some reason i think that would be a cool addition, i could be wrong tho. Orcs didnt have good column back then… and now they have and looks great!
Sorry but I’d MUCH rather have a gunmetal grey or silver detailing than gold which just looks weird. Heck even a different doublet would do much to improve the poshness… this current set is ok but just feels “off”. I wish they’d done a “here are some possible colors, potential textures vote here” now THAT would of had my full support.
without the shoulders I love the set, especially on the female
I just don’t like that yellow gold much, personal preference
He even did a white fur version of them…which looks pretty interesting too (ignore the tail even tho in the female version it looks better)
Which they could’ve given us, but instead gave us a half-arsed version of it that’s way too bright gold.
While I’m still ticked off that we don’t have Nelf heritage armor yet, at least they haven’t ruined ours yet.
Hide shoulders, problem solved.
Personally, I love the whole set and can’t wait to unlock it!
Yeah… i have to agree here. You should be getting paid to do this instead of the person who is actually doing it and getting paid… If you are the one who did all this.
It isn’t me, ALL credits goes to RoccusModding, follow him on TT, he does some amazing works
You’re blind, the gold isn’t the same. Genn’s armor also has more detail then these. This heritage gear is far less quality than all other ones.
One of the problems I have with the Worgen heritage set is how non-modular the whole thing is.
You basically can’t just use the jacket chest piece because half of the 3D components of it are on the legs appearance.
You can’t choose to use just the pants because half of the jacket will be on the legs.
The legs have a weird tacked-on buttoned sock texture where the boots would be, and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of boots that go with the legs appearance besides the heritage set ones.
The chest and legs rely on using a non-standard position for the belt, so then that rules out using basically anything that isn’t the heritage belt.
Then there’s also the problem where the heritage gloves currently extend past the cuffs and covers up textures on the sleeves of the jacket. There aren’t a whole lot of good replacements for the fingered gloves given the fact that the vast majority of gloves are fingerless and many of the gloves that cover fingers are also giant-sized and would extend past the cuffs and even clip through them.
The sheer amount of incompatibility of this set with the rest of the transmog appearances (including the hidden slot feature) is really unprecedented.
Usually at most you would have something like chest and legs having to be used together, but with the Worgen heritage set, you basically have to use the set’s chest, legs, boots, and belt appearances at the absolute minimum, plus the set is also incompatible with cloak appearances.
It would have been nice to get the full 3D jacket with the actual jacket chest appearance, because then there would at least some leeway for making custom mogs with the set.
I also really dislike the positioning of the fasteners on the cuffs as well. The fasteners and the split in the cuffs should have been located on the outer sides of the cuffs facing away from the wearer’s body. They instead put the fasteners and the split of the cuffs on the FRONT of the sleeves, which looks weird IMO. It’s definitely a sign that this set was rushed out the door.
Agreed; the heritage gear is like the cheap halloween costume version of Genn’s armor. Screenprinted “gold” on polyester instead of metal and leather.
Remember the issues with the Kul Tiran set?
Before it was released, all was made better and is now one of the best allied sets.
It is obviously not coming out like that.
Agree op. The set overall is pretty cool, especially the top hat. The shoulders though meh. The shoulders almost look like something a paladin would wear lol.
Worgen Paladin confirmed?
Makes sense with those shoulders lol.
I honestly just dislike how it looks like a regular model, it’s pretty boring and 2D. Not a fan of the gold either, bright and blingy doesn’t feel very worgeny.
Something more similar to what Genn currently wears would look better IMO.
It also looks like an altered version of the leather pirate armor set you get from dungeons, except with a top hat instead of a tricorne.
I think they decided to go for something more minimalistic in comparison of the other sets because Gilnean are know for wearing fancy and elegant clothes.
Sometimes less is better, the shoulders are a clear proof of that…