Worgen Heritage hate

Its really stupid, yeah im part of the hate train when it comes to the shoulders, but a lot of people are hating the whole armor, calling it horrendous.

Now, blizzard didnt made a good job when first showing it, so that easily affected people’s first impression, not gonna lie there, i also had my doubts.

But what about if you take a closer look at the armor in the dressing room?

Without the shoulders, this is an amazing set, and it FITS a worgen.

Another complain i see is that people are saying that the worgen never wore something like this therefore it doesnt fit…

You’re wrong

Thats Genn appearance during the Worgen starting zone, when he was younger, and it has that exact golden that everyone complains about (i believe he also looks like that during Hollow’s end), and no this is NOT one time only, he was show with the golden/black version several times.

Now many may think im one of those that agrees with blizzard regardless of what they do… im not, im VERY talkative when they screw up, and thats not the case here.

Outside of the shoulders i simply dont see what people complain about, all i see is a beautiful armor that i will gladly wear when it comes out.


I agree the shoulders are a little over the top but I love the armor set as a whole. And that tophat is just awesome.


The tophat invalidates any argument against the worgen heritage armor.


They must be jealous of the Top Hat


I like the hat, despite its gilded appearance.

I think if they tone down the gold trim and make the coat much less clingy they will have a nice set.


“The Top Hat ALONE makes it worth it, for me. Especially if it’s Transmoggable for all Worgen. My DK will FINALLY get to wear one.”


I wish the women had their own different version instead of being the same thing.

I doubt that is the best they can do with all the material and potential the Worgen theme has.

Well they added a skirt version, i suppose, but all the other sets barely are different between genders so it would have been kinda unfair if the Worgen armor had two completely different versions while the other armors dont


Aside from shoulders, I also think the top hat has too much gold. Other than that, the armor is fine.


I like it well enough that I will wear it. I agree about the shoulders being a bit over the top. The only thing is tone down the gold, make it more narrow. Its a good thing to have something to brighten it up, just not make it too bright.

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Im kinda wishing they should replace the shoulders with something else, i dont really see this armor needing shoulders.

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The hat is bad. Should be more of a pilgrim/witch hunter hat like Genn’s in HotS.


The rose shouldn’t be a flat texture.

Do you have any idea how BAD people would complain if it wasnt a top hat?


I feel as though it has too much gold and that the coat should’ve been longer. It’s not terrible, but it could be better


Well it looks good now that we can see it clearly in detail on Wowhead, Blizz presented it as a unfinished prototype IMO which is why so many people were upset initially, including me.

Personally I don’t think it fits as heritage armor because the heritage armor is supposed to reflect its people, not a specific group within that people, in this case the Greyguard. I was expecting a long coat like Genn’s or the Kul Tiran’s, with Gilnean-centric items on it. Instead of that we get a dress uniform with silly shoulders. I mean, yeah the whole thing looks good, I just don’t think it fits.


My biggest complaint is just the color. It’s very abrasive, or at least it is to me, especially the top hat. The top hat I was the most excited for, but now it just looks very gaudy.

I do agree, it doesn’t look as bad without the shoulders, but as a whole, when compared to most of the other heritage armors, Worgen and Goblins look a bit lackluster. That’s just me though. I thought the top hat we got in the Worgen starting zone was perfectly fine, and it is a downright shame we can’t xmog that.

Like I said, I only speak for myself, but it just looks too gaudy, too bright and flashy. Genn’s has a bit of a subtler color to it, the gold isn’t as in your face. It very well could be that it just looks like that in the dressing room/the showing of the armor, and if that is the case, that’s be fine, however the top hat I just can’t get over. Gold on a top hat gives me a steampunk vibe, y’know?


The color palette is what’s killing it for a lot of people. It’s just a terrible combo.


Well Cloth users ONLY can do it for some stupid reason…

How is golden and black a bad combo?

Wait… Wait cloth users can xmog the hat? are you serious?

Don’t give me hope