Worgen customization - black fur, tails, posture for males

Oh yeah! :+1:

Giving this another push, since Blizz is talking about the customization more - but still largely just showing the races that actually got good customization.

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Look up ā€œdogman,ā€ heā€™s the modern day werewolf. And heā€™s most often described as black, so that should be an option. Off topic, but I love it when bigfoot guys are like ā€œI totally believe in bigfoot but that dogman is bs!ā€ :rofl:

Hereā€™s hoping we get some new options at least before SL releases.

So many races got all-new sections that will let existing characters look different - additions like piercings, necklaces, tattoos, war paint, tusks, all sorts of things - and orcs got posture quite a while ago.


Would still love to see worgen get a solid black fur, if nothing else, despite race changing because the extremely limited fur options drove me away.

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The only thing we can do now is to hope that there will be more options for customizations, being included over time, during and even after Shadowlands for all playable warcraft races.

The more voices joined to the choir for more options, the better.

We can only continue to make these and other ideas known, so that devs do not forget them and take them into consideration, eventually, in some future. So letā€™s hope.

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The ā€œblackā€ fur option doesnā€™t even look close to black to me when compared to some of new fur color options. It looks more like a dark slightly-brownish grey compared to the ā€œblack-stripedā€ fur color option, as the black on that fur color option is a truer black than anything on the dark grey option.

Worgen feel largely skipped over in the customization revamp. I think Worgen only got six new fur color options because Humans only got six new skin colors.

I have suspicions that one of the reasons Worgen didnā€™t get more customization options was because they didnā€™t know if they were going to be able to separate Worgen form and Human form customization.

Thereā€™s a number of customization options that feel incomplete as well, like the Night Elf Blindfold option where the only option available to most male Night Elves is not even the classic blindfold that was part of a Night Elf face option. Iā€™m guessing they must have ran out of time to do blindfold options that include eye glow for all of the new eye colors.

Also, some races have bugged customization options like Magā€™har Orcs having the wrong beard model for the option ā€œGoateeā€ (an issue thatā€™s going to feel like a massive nerf because the correct model is a long goatee while the bug causes the option to use a tiny ā€œGreen Orcā€ beard instead) and female Undead not being able to hide their toe bones, both of which are issues I reported over and over and over again on PTR and apparently arenā€™t going to be fixed until at least 9.0.2.

Iā€™m hoping they arenā€™t completely finished with Core Race customization yet, because it doesnā€™t feel anywhere near complete yet.

Also, I feel there is no reason that they canā€™t just add scar options to every race regardless of some races having scarred face options.

Male Night Elf Demon Hunters can literally have scars on top of other scars because they have face options with scars (and it actually looks awesome with the Teldrassil scar option), so I think the excuse of ā€œcanā€™t add scar options because this race has scars on face options already and they canā€™t be separated from the textureā€ doesnā€™t hold that much water when you can literally do this on Nelf Demon Hunters in 9.0.1.

I do think scars should be separated from face options where possible (for instance, it might be hard to separate scars from Pandaren faces and even Kul Tiran faces), but I donā€™t want races to be excluded from having scar options simply because they have face options with scars.


This applies to orcs, too. Orcs can literally have 4 layers of textures right now: tattoo, grime, scar, and war paint, overlayed in that order. That is nuts. Itā€™s awesome, Iā€™m very happy for orcs, but even discounting all the endless new options (and especially brand new sections, like tattoo, scar, grime, paint, piercings, tusks, etc) that they get, that alone is so much more than a lot of races saw.

Really unless you are a night elf, dwarf, orc, tauren, and maybe darkspear troll, you didnā€™t see a gracious lot of new stuff come out of this ā€œmassiveā€ update. A few new skin colors for some races, a few new hair colors for others, and really that was mostly it.

The customization is so motley and unorganized and uneven. Itā€™s all over the place. Blizzard really needed to do a much more concerted effort to even out all these new options across the board.


Geeeeeee, if only worgen had hairstyles like Vulpera do.

Oh wait.

I second this.

Also, Worgen deserve more than what theyā€™ve got-- as do some other races.


Iā€™d love to see worgen monks.

I so desperately want worgen to have monk or paladin - another class that can potentially fill any role but without having to turn into something other than a werewolf to do that.


Night elves and worgen should definitely start up a paladin order (The silver Moon :stuck_out_tongue: )


Now that all races can start in a neutral starting zone there is NO reason for every race to not be able to be Monks. The justification was time-locked starting zones. Well thatā€™s kinda gone now, so???


I know, right?

The time has come for worgen and goblin monks.

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Iā€™d probably swap back to worgen if we got black fur.

More money for Blizzard!

I feel like a lot of races got shafted when it comes to customization. Like how come some of us canā€™t have scars and blind eyes?


The majority of races did, honestly. There are so many cool new options that allow you to go back and add more to an already existing character (such as adding tattoos, scars, paint, piercings, etc) - but only for certain races. Some races didnā€™t even get eye colors.

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All of this! And re visit all core races!


An excellent summary.

Iā€™d love to see all the races revisited and be given more, too. That article on WoWhead really highlighted the discrepancy in - say - orcs and night elves vs everyone else.

As well as how the allied races and worgen are all equally as screwed, and none of them should be.

(granted, the numbers for males on the charts are largely inflated with the separation of things like different facial hairs and the facial hair/ears for male worgen. Everyone needs more of everything.)