Without GDKP, raiding is pointless

Its just a screen shot rofl

I’ll get you in ZF bro like your guildies.

No you wont.

Youre a coward

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How did I kill one already then.

Making a list, checking it twice.

He evaporated bro. Couldn’t press a button.

We all believe you.

You gonna be in ZF a long time :smiley:

You could always pay for a boost if you want in Mara :person_shrugging:

Yeah i work alot.

Holidays and all.

There’s nothing to be shamed of being a truck driver. However, the fact all his ego and self-worth is attached to hitting buttons in the correct order in a video game is rather sad. It’s why I can’t really get annoyed with him. I just feel bad for him.

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Thats you saying that not me, there is no self worth from a video game lmfao.

If you feel someone feels that way its just you projecting.

Im also not ashamed of being a truck driver. I love my job.

3 down so far.

Making a list checking it twice.


Kill them all.

Nah I’m just beta testing my techniques for when you get here.

I’d say they are affective.

Ima be there soon.

My group op

Cool, and then dead soon, in game.

Wealth has always been a huge driving factor in WoW. It was a big driving factor long before GDKPs were popular. What an odd thing of you to say.

I mean…

Yes, you should love your job. I think it’s great, for you.

Then run raids with zero randomness that use DKP or EP/GP or Suicide Kings or LC with public prio? But to support your argument, you’re looking for the One True Loot System that no one can find fault with, right?


At least wait till cataclysm to cosplay a Goblin.
Also, no, adventure is the whole point of the game.
Gold is a means to an end for RP purposes, in an MMO where vendors would exist and quests are the means of leveling up, of course you need a monetary component. Thing is, it doesnt matter if its gold or apples, you’ll be trading something to the npc for RP purposes.
As a whole, no, only people that want to cosplay goblins would have a “huge driving factor” to have every single action be a monetary transaction. Literally no other race does this.

I already do that. Then on my alts, I prefer GDKP raids because you actually get something out of it even if you don’t get any loot. GDKP raids also strongly incentivize everyone to stay until the end, even if you don’t get the loot you want (or you do get the only thing you wanted, from the first boss) even if things don’t go perfectly, something that can be a big problem in pug raids. GDKPs also tend to be more organized and successful than a typical trade chat pug. It’s ridiculous that people ignore every reason that GDKP is a good loot system for pug raids to just brainlessly yell “sWiPeR” at anyone who likes them.

How are you going to use any of those loot systems in a pug raid?

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And yet here you are the one calling names when someone disagrees with you. It is amazing that every single person who comes on here defending swiping, every single one, starts insulting people against it.