Without GDKP, raiding is pointless

What are you talking about? I said it’s brainless to disregard every legitimate reason people prefer GDKPs to just yell “sWiPeR” at anyone who likes them. That is a fact. Those people aren’t “disagreeing.” They’re not addressing the arguments in favor of GDKP at all.

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You wouldn’t prefer it without the POT.
The pot doesn’t get big without swipers.
Stop. We arent going through this a 45th time.

The pot from ZG’s with 90% of the raid not needing idols was still enough to fund consumes. You don’t need swipers for the pot to be enough.

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You’re really going to double down on “wealth doesn’t matter in an MMO”? Because you’d be hilariously wrong if you did.

Gold is the currency that drives the economy. It’s a lot more than just an RP mechanism. Don’t be silly.

Has little to do with NPCs. Gold drives trade for goods and services amongst players. This is by design in an MMO. It encourages social interactions amongst other things.

In the context you’re trying to twist it into? Yes. Absolutely.

In the most absolute of terms, sure. You know what we say about absolutes.

It really doesn’t. Vendors are the only reason gold exists at all. The same as it does in reality. Universal form of bartering is still bartering.

As it is the only currency used for anything. Again, an absolute that doesnt detract from what I said. You could trade ANYTHING for ANYTHING based on a simple code switch.

I submit: Any vendor ever that doesn’t take gold. Also, Its RPG. the mmo is just for the sizable amount of players that exist in the game.

No. It doesnt. Content that is designed such that it can’t be soloed does that.

Ok whatever bro. You just want to argue. I’ll leave you to it then.

If you don’t have any actual stance to take, could have just kept it moving instead of inviting this conversation that you started.


Gold is the currency in the game. Not sure why you’re talking about a bartering system. That’s just an unnecessary tangent. Of course people would find a way to trade without a currency, but that would be annoying. That’s why a currency exists.

NPCs are effectively the factory that prints gold. They’re not the reason it exists. The players are the reason it exists. Gold exists to be traded amongst players. Buying things from NPCs is just a way to slow inflation.

Anyways my point is that wealth is huge part of being successful in WoW. Having a lot of gold means you can pay people for goods and services. This was true in 2004 and it’s true today. The more recent popularity of GDKP didn’t change that.

Yes, obviously, the gold is the incentive that gets people to stay the whole raid and rewards everyone even if they get no loot. If there were zero RMT, I would still prefer GDKP for pugs.

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I so dislike when people purposely miss the point of classic existing in the first place.

which is… relive a teenager fantasy by optimizing the heck out of classic, then patting eachother on the back after conquering some of the easiest raid content ever made by blizzard?