Without GDKP, raiding is pointless

This is perhaps the most intelligent thing I have read on this entire forum. Everyone read it carefully, you will learn something.


Love the ā€œitā€™s about funā€.

Yep, fun to see everyone else get loot due to RNG. Wonder how the people not gettinf loot feel. According to some in this post, they must be having a blast!

Heā€™s ducking me is why.

I have a list and checking it twice. Of all the level 30-40 gnome mages in his guild.

Doing recon right now.

I post on who i play, you want me to post on my cata toon?

Thats Peeposcam.

You want me to post on my WOTLK Classic toon?

Thats Drinknblink

You want me to post on my TBCC toon?

Thats Manuredps

All on bendicition.

Trust me kid, im not the insecure 1 here lmfao.

1 Like

What is your Aniversary toon.

Doesnā€™t matter since iā€™m going to kill every leveling mage in your guild.

Im posting on that toon sicne this is the fresh forums rofl.

You the 1 hiding lmfao.


Youā€™ll find out.

More noise.

You are most likely on the pve server lmfao


This prolly you.


Ask your guildy.

Which 1?

We have so many.

itā€™s a puzzle.

Its solved.

You play on the pve server lmfao

Sure thatā€™s it.

Itā€™s amazing how easy it is to find u guys in game. I thought it would be hard.

Why would doing /who be hard lmfao?

You new to wow?

Tirisfal glades.

Lol, he said it again! :joy:

Im in SM cath

I know you are.

Peep this.


Thats my group

Sorry I donā€™t click discord links from noobs.

I know you are in there.

Iā€™ll get you at ZF when you are soloing.