Without GDKP, raiding is pointless

Have you considered the possibility that it might be okay for raiding to become pointless at the appropriate time. Once you’re geared up and you have experienced the content you could make an alt, take a break, play another game, touch grass. It’s not like there is a fundamental need for everyone to keep on raiding.

But hey, if it’s important to you to always play, that’s fine! But swiping isn’t the answer. Good day, friend!

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Over time most guilds fall apart, thats a fact. There’s a high chance of drama as well, sitting around trying to fill spots, etc. etc.

Who wont let me do what? are you trying to be funny?

Everything eventually ends, you go on to something else.

You don’t have to be in a guild. A lot of players enjoy the pug life and never step foot in a GDKP. Top guilds pug all the time. You’re acting as though you have to join a guild now because GDKPs are banned. That’s ridiculous.

… why are you playing this game if you hate playing with people?

A guild is a community not just an advancement track for someone, especially in Classic

I think most people who miss GDKPs are the carries not the buyers. So they aren’t losing any rolls, they are getting a reason to play a toon that doesn’t need any gear from that raid.

Also, even if one isn’t a carry, better to lose to a whale and get their gold - than to lose to a gray parser.

Swipers still seething. :rofl:

You think it perfectly fine that you should lose loot to an RMT buyer (a.k.a. “whale”) but a travesty for you to lose loot to a gray parser.

That’s just your position, man and plenty of loot systems reward performance in raid. But you simultaneously knock the randomness of MS>OS AND the potential for corruption in LC. You don’t want to wait a long time for loot (Suicide Kings) and you don’t want farm bosses to count as much as prog kills (EP/GP). You don’t want long probation periods while the raid core gets geared and you get nothing. And you don’t want some random newbie to get a drop over some experienced vet.

TL;DR every non-gold loot system sucks and you hold up GDKP as some bastion of fairness

GDKP, where its perfectly ok for a gray parser to get lootas long as you get some of his RMT gold. Every other loot system is terrible / corrupt and not only do you want them, the whole server must pay more for consumables because of inflation caused by the botmagnet that GDKP pots are.

My brother in Broxigar, this isn’t the winning position you think it is. Loot in wow was never designed to go to the top dps. Or the one with the biggest RMT addiction.

Every boss drops a few purples drop not just for the MT and the top mage but also for the guy who spends 5 minutes rezzing and buffing AND for the guy who always has candles and ammo AND for the guy who sacrifices his bag space for soulshards to summon the raid AND for the hero who evasion tanks a boss to 0. It drops for them all.


This is just an assumption on your part and its not even an accurate one. Bold of you to claim people who were there when GDKP didn’t exist and then played a part in it when it was new don’t understand how it works. You’re just making assumptions and projecting it on to other people because your idea of GDKP is different from reality.

Yeah, and the problem is exacerbated by GDKP. era is the most expensive to raid on for a reason. Having 10g chronoboons to put gold into helps but we need more. Fresh is doing a lot more than era is to combat the problems.

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Its a pretty safe assumption since i have done more gdkps then everyone here combined, especially since my guild runs the biggest gdkp discord…

Cuz they added the gdkp ban but not the black lotus fix, eat youre gdkp placebo pill.

Youre all still swiping, go look at chat for 5 minutes lmfao

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The copium being huffed by people who can’t play without getting carried in GDKP’s reeks of desperation :x

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Its era content, there is no such thing as being carried lmfao.

Can you even wipe in MC?

Nvm you can, you wiped not once but 2 times to domo in the same raid lmfao

You running 12 healers lmfao



If play on any fresh I will raid LC with my main.

GDKPs are pug systems and yeah I would care a lot more to gear a toon on fresh if I could raid to make gold, when I am geared.

Not really interested in farming and I don’t buy it, so I’ve mostly just not played.

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make your own raid. HR the gear you want. HR the mats dropped. Sell the mats. Make gold. ez.

you’re just bad

See, you only point out the flaw in letting filthy gray parsers get loot when talking up GDKPs but ignore the fact that LCs are infamous for being arbitrary or corrupt. Every single loot system has a flaw or a drawback or some constituency that feels it’s got a raw deal.
yes, people who like GDKPs are the ones who think it’s fair and balanced but the unique thing about GDKP as opposed to other loot systems is that it is prime RMT bait, drives massive inflation and subverts core game structures (social raiding guilds) and principles (raid loot is BoP and the raid can choose to NvG it, FFA it, ML it, whatever but it is not saleable to anyone with a fat coinpurse.

Will banning GDKPs fix botting? No but it will help
Will banning GDKPs mean RMT transactions will stop? No, but it will help.


FYI, in a GDKP all member have fun. Some have gold, some have gear. All play together to kill bosses.

No thanks!
GDKP kills the game.
Shoo fly!


pay2win. good riddance.


Do you even understand how fresh wow prog works at all? Players drop off every raid tier. Running extra healers now because you’ll need them later prevents last minute recruitment problems. Theres so few good healing pieces in MC that its a non-issue.

We had a couple adjustments to make with switching from slow strat to aoe everything down strat. Litterally who cares though because we’ve been full clearing since it came out and you’ve been unable to even hit 60

This is rich coming from the person posting from the 34 gnome for over 1000 posts.

Sounding a little insecure there bud

What does this prove? These carries have been sold on retail for the last decade. It’s been one of the biggest issues arena pvp has faced, people paying real money to get boosted to X rating for gear/titles. It was disgustingly bad in S1 shadowlands, r1 players boosting in the 0-1800 range essentially gatekeeping 1800 because you had people like Pika 1v2ing in the rat leagues.

and then a few posts later you link 4 videos, 2 of which would be late TBC dated (3+ years of gold farming/GDKPs, how much gold do you think you make doing that? for the record, if someone was degenerate enough to do my gold farm in vanilla for 8 hours a day 7 days a week for a year they’d have made 433k gold with no additional sources of gold), and one of those is post-wow token in wotlk classic (wow, legal RMT lets whales whale, incredible deduction sherlock).