Without GDKP, raiding is pointless

Gold distributed in GDKP pots. People sell their surplus on gold seller websites. The website sells to the swipers. The swipers bring the gold to GDKPs and the cycle repeats.

Sure there’s legit players, but there’s a lot of swipers too. I’ve been in GDKP discords, RMT is quite blatant. People just won’t cop to it outside the discord.


you’re joking right? people murder because they know they will have a chance to get away with it, maybe not caught or if so they was found then they still are getting lawyer and will have a chance to just be sent to jail…like wth is that?

severe punishments is all about instantly kill any killer without trail, you can have camera’s everywhere and no need to even judge the killer.
ALSO when government is killing the killer it must be done in Public square and everyone witness it, the killer family/friends must be present to watch and simply every human being young or old or kid…will watch this to know that murdering someone mean huge humiliation to himself and his whole family in front of everyone while the world watch you die for your murder and that will make any person think million times before he murder another person.

same thing goes to bots/gold sellers, if blizzard want to catch them the moment they traded illegal gold they will and they can instantly ban them but if they did that? they will eliminate the real money trade in wow and that’s very bad to blizzard income since those bots pay subs and the people who play to do RMT will not play if there is no RMT in game so more subs will be lost.

OP has a valid point in that GDKP is a great loot system, provided it’s not corrupted by gold buyers. It rewards EVERYONE for downed bosses, not just people who get good RNG that week or who are friends of the LC.

Yes, raiding is fun and can be its own reward. But I seriously doubt any of you anti-GDKPers would do the raids if there was no loot… so don’t pretend that it isn’t also part of the equation.

Blizzard should ban gold sellers/buyers, not a community driven idea. It’s the lazy approach that allows them to profit off of bot numbers. Don’t be fooled.


I’m guessing you haven’t actually been in non gold selling gdkp discords.

You prolly joining trade chat gdkps discords run by a bunch of indo players.

The discords I run with won’t take bad players.

Its actually true, why take people who suck and won’t allow you to kill the harder content like pre ICC buff heroic LK when good players have gold? Now in era this isn’t an issue raids are brain dead.

It isn’t about having whales it’s about having everything sell at min bid at the very least while you’re chil with the homies since it’s the same people in the gdkps typically.

Hunks ran the largest gdkp discord in Classic, we had 30+ runs weekly with about 4-6 different guilds in it.

Most of the people here speaking about gdkps aren’t in it like that. Their vast knowledge is from trade chat and YouTube.


It can get hard to keep track of all the nonsense the swipers spew.

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I bet the grey parser thing just hits too close to home for you


Well, yeah. I assume if you’re wearing fish net stockings, a blond wig and yelling “Looking for a good time?” at passing cars that you’re probably a hooker. I could be wrong of course.

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Who cares about others. You play the game for self fulfillment not to please narcissists like you.

That little gnome has nothing going on in his life besides this game. It’s rather sad.

And it’s especially funny for him to downplay gray parsers being in gdkps when he exposed a guy in Cata a few days ago of paying 400k gold to get carried and buy gear.

But some people just deny things when they feel it’s convenient.

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Selling gold makes a lot of money. I see why they do it. My buddy used to sell gold in another game to one of those websites. Dude made 100k in a year doing it until they fixed the bugs he was exploiting to farm. He even got a peek behind the curtain with one of the big time gold sellers.

These guys make a lot of money, don’t kid yourself.

You know people are going to come in here foaming at the mouth accusing you of being an RMT lover.

They would rather carry incompetent people in a guild raid (or get carried with their grey parses), put up with guild drama, see their guild leader feed gear to their friends, lose rolls on items to newly recruited raiders, have raids fall apart when several scheduled people don’t show, etc etc. …and think that its better than GDKP.

Mind boggling.

Whoa hang on youre saying that GDKPs are FUN and you don’t NEED to use RMT gold to join them!??!


People cannot comprehend any other loot system other than "Join a guild raid. Wipe for hours. Don’t get loot. Grey parse. Drama. Repeat. "

The fun of playing the game. If the game is no longer fun for you then get lost. You know you’re not making real gold in this game, right?

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Oh I know GDKPs are big business. There’s a reason these people keep making these threads.


you mean the vast majority of people who buy the most expensive things in wow are selling eels and runes to be able to outbid everyone. Sure mate.


How would you know lmfao?

I got 4 kids and a wife and im a truck driver, i just get to post a lot at work when im docked and being unloaded…Imagine thinking you know anything about anyone elses life.

That guy joined a whole gdkp guild, its not the same thing, i even said people can buy stuff, im not down playing anything at all, like always you cherry pick data.

Everyone is swiping, gdkp’ers and non gdkp’ers.

pot kettle.

Youre an insecure kid who lives with his parents still, hence posting on a lvl23 lock for 6 years, hide for another 6 or we all may see how bad you are at the game but im sure thats not why youre hiding right? Trash can.

I’m sure that some GDKPs are fun and that some of the buyers aren’t swipers.
I was also sure that some multiboxers didn’t grief others, were interested in a unique, solo-friendly playstyle and weren’t disrupting the economy.
I used to twink and at that time I could state with confidence that many twinks weren’t out to grief normal players until they stopped rezzing.
However, the common thread between GDKPers, multiboxers and twinkers is that they don’t want to admit that their chosen play niche / play style provoked unavoidable negative externalities for everyone. As twinkers we used to look down on those sad sacks who were out to grief lowbies and normal levellers and we’d team up cross faction to ensure that they were targeted in turn and never got healed or dispelled. But that didn’t take away from how much of a negative experience it was on regular PVPers.

Your GDKP raids may be full of fun and populated by busy professionals who want to pretend that losing rolls to grey parsers is unbearable agony but losing rolls to RMT whales is all part of the game.
But that ignores the fact that botting is fuelled by the demand for gold and gdkps are both a primary and secondary driver of gold demand, the first for loot from GDKPs and the second as a result of inflation from the botted gold.


That’s not how good guilds work, maybe you should try one. Or will they not let you?

Lol you’re kidding yourself if you think GDKP’s being removed caused SoD’s decline. I personally quit after the first phase, because it didn’t interest me anymore. Plain and simple, but removing GDKP’s at the time was a step in the right direction and I wish they would have done that with classic WoTLK at the time it was out.


People used to have fun playing the game. Now its all about being 100% efficient with every second of your play time