With the lazy implementation of new Warlocks, the dream is dead

It’s on the PTR.

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i like when people comes in to state opinions and act as if they were facts

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What we have on the PTR doesn’t give me much hope.

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Yeah, it comes off as if the person they assigned to write it didn’t know what Lightforged and Mag’har means.

I will give up all race/class combos in exchange for wiping away the mechagnome race as a whole.

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And the lore for the npc’s?

You’ve honed in on the true issue here, my friend.

Say what you want about player freedom and mechanics coming first. Blizzard still could have put in the effort to make this stuff fit into the world better.

They didn’t. Because Blizzard doesn’t care about Warcraft as a fantasy setting.


Alliance races generally tend to be more attractive. And generic “for justice” is more palatable than “for honor”. There’s subjectivity to both honor and justice obviously, but since when do goblins have any honor? They’re the definition of gold before all else. I find anduin annoying, but at least he’s consistently annoying. The entire horde followed garrosh and sylvanas for like 2 expansions where they pretty much dropped any semblance of honor which really showed how important it was to the horde.

Hey i can finally be an eredar. I am happy with this. Something to enjoy casually too

I think we’re just kinda resigned and trying to have fun with what we get :sweat_smile: Ain’t no reason to be accusatory. It’s been nearly two decades of this game and there’s more than enough precedent to know what you’re gonna get.

Hey, I write my own story for my own character, not for the NPC’s.

Ahh, yes…

Didn’t you cancel your sub? Why are you still here?

Yep did the same, turned into a Gnome druid attacking enemies in cat form. It was fun to watch.

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You know subscriptions do not immediately stop, your existing one runs out before you cannot play anymore.

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With each of these threads I die a little more inside and now I’m … this … close to actually making a lightforged warlock.

Who actually wants a lightforged warlock? I would have thought nobody, and if people could have just remained silent it would effectively be nobody using them. Now I feel like it’s an imperative.

My dreams died about twenty five years ago, definitely before vanilla wow.


It just seems odd you’d throw a tantrum over a very minor game change, claim you ended your subscription, and stick around to chat. Almost like your big tantrum was just for show.

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Wow you are really bad at this.

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Bro we have lightforged draenei rogues.
How does that supposedly fit in lorewise?
We also can’t have worgen paladins because something “something curse causing issues communicating with the light”, yet priests are a-okay.

I say if they’re opening up classes for non-lore purposes, let us just have everything. Drac hunters. NE and LF warlock npcs that go on and on about Elune or The Light when you click on them. I, for one, think a goblin paladin would be hilarious. “The light is my strength, and I can be yours if you fork over 500000g (long terms and conditions blurb containing the words “may knife you in your sleep”)”

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Golavar, I swear these aren’t the flexes you think they are. Nerds fixating on nerd stuff is one thing. You pestering and acting offended over people who actually care about the setting is another level of pathetic entirely.

You’re looking down on nerds who care about the story. But, you’re literally spending your time on a WoW forum, trying to have some sort of “gotcha” moment with someone over a subscription to a video game. Just take the L.