With the lazy implementation of new Warlocks, the dream is dead

If I cared about druids, I’d be soooo upset… Luckily I don’t so I hope they dont get cool mecha forms

I mean… story went nuclear in SL and worse in DF so I don’t know how it can be worse. Might as well let it all out now.

There is a huge difference between spending time and passing time.

And the one that more people will end up reading, is the blizzard npc.

Unfortunately, the one that i will end up checking will probably not be your Character, which will likely be an interesting, nuanced, and believable character, but the story for the NPC’s.

Unlucky, really.

There never was a dream.

Objectively bad writing exists. And I think this is actually a good example. The Lightforged Draenei is a good example - he speaks of simply wanting more power in typical Warlock fashion. Fair enough, establishing a character’s motivation. But ostensibly, Blizzard is only adding this flavour to justify these additions. It does not justify it. Even if a Lightforged wants to become a Warlock, due to their changed and Light-infused biology, is it even possible? Perhaps. That’s what this flavour text was supposed to explain. It didn’t, ergo, it is bad writing.

Bruh if a dreadlord can become a yellow glowstick, warlock lightforged are not that different

You have always been an eredar, draenei was just a name they took that means something like exiled ones.

Mechagnome druids should get hologram animal forms, translucent effects like the signs around Mechagon.

The animal form would be “projected” outwards around the MechaGnome which would still be visible inside the hologram.

Yes but now eredar refers to those who took upon the power of the legio . Darkness, del, doesnt matter. Warlocks are warlocks