With the lazy implementation of new Warlocks, the dream is dead

Forsaken made by the light like Calia basically opened the door for forsaken paladins. Member?

Yeah, but these people will never give you that answer. At best you end up getting “It’s not my job to do Blizzards job!” seriously, the number of people I will say “Explain why you think its bad and what should change” who just immediately say it’s not their job to do so makes me laugh XD

They say something is terrible and then never explain why because they know they don’t have a leg to stand on.

This is exactly how I feel.

I don’t want new class combos if they aren’t going to do the bare minimum and give them unique forms and mounts.

If Blizzard gets to be lazy, so do I and don’t have to pay my sub lol.

Blizzard needs to put in work, instead of well, not doing that.

Entirely different schools of magic and practices.

Anyway, OP, Blizzard replaced “soon” with lazy in WoD, and we’re never going back. I wish WoW even got half the love I saw playing the D4 server slam this weekend.

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I mean in case you didn’t know you can trade gold and stuff to your toons opposite faction and I traded my friend who’s a vulpera some gold on my worgen lock so I think they also removed trading restrictions?

Exactly. Even as someone that ain’t too hot with writing ( i used to. I should get back to it but i’m out of practice ) I still know really basic questions to ask. Stuff like is it the flow? Pacing? Is it too logical / emotional? Does it feel like you’re being talked down to? Does the dialogue sound fake?

That kinda stuff.

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Wish other races could be DH, I just don’t like the elf look.

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Honestly, no clue at this point.

Everyone crying about this has already forgotten about undead hunters it seems. I don’t care about lore so seeing all of these salty posts is food for my heart

I’m not understanding what would be lore-breaking about Forsaken hunters. Isn’t death part of nature and Forsaken known for riding/training bats and such?

Same, the only reason I roll my eyes everytime I log on my demon hunter. I hate all elf types. Except Nightelf hunter.

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See, new locks can be trained.
Demon hunters were made prior/during TBC. The legion is also dead and gone. The few stray demons left, probably not worth making any new demon hunters.

Some of the current demon hunters have taken up pet battling as there is not much for them to do :joy:

I actually don’t care if we get unique forms tbh. I just wanna be an Belf Druid lol.
I wouldn’t mind if they did say they’ll add different forms it on a later date though if we just got the generic stuff now.

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Out of all the classes, they really need to expand druids, shaman, and paladins. Easily the most limited.
Like mages and locks, only a handful couldn’t be those classes. Where as the 3 I listed, only a handful CAN be those.

Like gnomes couldn’t be hunters forever because blizz didn’t like the fact that the pets would be way bigger than the gnome… looks over at gnome hunters

They already have a crap ton of mech animal forms even if they don’t make something new for them I doubt they would give you basic animal forms. A mechagnome druid, a Lightforged warlock, etc, are all less corny than half the mounts people ride around on or our literal clown costume/all the other wacky tmog stuff

To be fair, Druids and Shamans are the exceptions. Every time a race gets to be a druid or shaman they always have custom made forms and totems.

Assuming that the OP is talking about possible lightbound demons for LFD… we have a plethora of combos that would defintely benefit from specific assets and yet those are up to player imagination. For example Void Elves/Undead on a holy priest spec, or LFD as a Death Knight.

Also, probably not going to change, but still it’s PTR. Quests change all the time before going live, and who knows, they might really add Lightbound demons as a customization option, since they’ll be ported to the barbershop… And would be a shame that (sans the new imps), it would be merely a glyph > barber conversion (i.e. no effective change in the final result).

I play alliance and all my friends are Horde on a different server. The only thing we can’t do together is professions.

I just assumed she’s like Patrick Bateman in American Psycho and has a huge closet full of identical outfits!

Mechagnome bear tanks are my dream. Don’t dash them. I want tank treads for the back legs but mechanical paws to swipe with.

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“Lazy implementation” when we have no idea on how it will be implemented? Forumite gotta forumite…

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