With the lazy implementation of new Warlocks, the dream is dead

The fall really began with the introduction of Night Elf mages. According to lore, their culture supposedly held a deep distrust of arcane practitioners. In fact, Quel’thalas came to be because the nature-loving Kal’dorei banished their magic-using kin…but now they have mages of their own, and with hardly a hint of internal misgiving.

Blizzard is notorious for ignoring inconvenient lore obstacles like this.

They would be Anti-Paladins…but I suppose they could get in trouble for copyright infringement for using that name…? “Shadow Knight” sounds cool. Or perhaps “Voidwalker”, bring a variation on the Tauren Sunwalkers.

Because I play alliance. All of my characters are alliance, and I selected my server because it’s both alive and predominantly alliance. If they removed factions entirely and merged everything, not just guilds I would play belf, but then why would void elves exist?

What restriction would you encounter if you played a Blood Elf paladin?

No one cares about the lore in WoW. So why does it matter?

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Why do you play this game?

Is Emerald Dream a good Alliance server? I know back before Warmode it was pretty balanced but I’ve been having trouble finding a good server that isn’t completely one side dominant.

Considering I change my transmog at least four times a week, I really don’t know how she’d manage!

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She can wear what she wants we’re just tired of Blizzard patching out all the sexiness in game and replacing it with fruits.


I dunno. I’ve used the race swapping toy on my DHs many times and it changes me into races that can’t be DHs but all the animations still work.

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An inability to play on the Alliance. Same reason why, despite loving the Vulpera, I still play Pandaren. My friends play Alliance, so I don’t get to play Vulpera.

If Vulpera could align with the Alliance, the problem wouldn’t be there. Alas.

What specifically are you looking for? Do you prefer the lore and story of the Alliance?

I’m looking to play my preferred race with my friends. The faction divide currently forbids that, because Vulpera are hard-chained to the Horde.

So you do outdoor content in groups with your friends?

Is cross-faction genuinely with Vulpera (NOT a race-changed option) in Alliance groups, or do they become a Gnome or some variant?

If I do not appear as a Vulpera to my Alliance friends when engaging in cross-faction activity, then that’s a dealbreaker.

If you do cross faction groups you appear as your race. So your Alliance friends would see you as a Vulpera.

I’ll consider experimenting with it in that case, but limiting interactions to instanced content is still a huge problem. We did quest together for leveling purposes, and not being able to always interact with them is a massive downer.

Honestly, the factions need to be relegated to strictly opt-in PvP entities at this point; it gives everyone that wants a faction war the means to do so, and everyone who wants to be an adventurer. I want to be able to heal another player in trouble in the world without having to consider if they’re on my faction or not.

They are doing anything to stave off the bleed at this point. Including destroying their own lore (which started years ago)

Hi Emet.


If this is allowed on retail then there is no reason nightborne and void elves can’t be demon hunters.

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Lore isn’t graphical assets. One could argue the very fact they chose warlock to expand on class/race is because they didn’t want to bother with it since warlock demons have never changed from one race to another.

Why does that equal them not adding new forms to the druid if/when they expand on those?