With the lazy implementation of new Warlocks, the dream is dead

But it brings out the drama Llamas!

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My guy. You went on a forum tirade for 45min. Several doomer posts, and ton of negative responses.

Now… I took about 5 of your longer posts and plugged them into a reverse search, to find common verbiage, sentencing and structure. I then used the results to find similar posts and articles…

Want to know what I found?

You are remarkable similar to one of the most active Twilight Fan forum posters. And borderline aggressively team Edward. With several lengthy debates on the firm standpoint that sparkle vampires are cannon to Vampire Lore due to the genius and utterly flawless writing of twilight.


same with real life. someone might discover gravity is not actually real. it was a force, then it stopped being a force etc.

This is true considering the don’t really understand what gravity is.

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Alonsus Faol says hi


Alonsus Faol, a Forsaken Priest, specifically uses the Light in a book. He and Anduin use the Light to resurrect Calia.


Lore gets updated all the time. Worlds just aren’t static


Ye. Forsaken just need a LOTTA willpower to put up with the pain from the Light. But they can use it


These are the same people that think Vanessa VanCleef must wear the same outfit for a decade and never change her clothes.


Man. You’re making me miss As Told by Ginger. That was like the first time I ever saw a cartoon give the cast loads of outfits to wear.

Also these same folks would be the ones crying there’s no lore happening if they want the worlds to be static so much.


I doubt you’ll be seeing Druids, Paladins, Shaman, or DH being opened up on-masse given the amount of work involved needed to make them happen.
Having said that, it’s about time the Forsaken dug up and re-animated their Paladins.

Basically how Blizz is “explaining” these new race/class combos.

Might be right on DH, but I think you’re wrong about these three. They just take more work. We’ve already gotten Priests and Rogues, Warlocks were the next easiest pick.

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Blizzard: “Remember that time Alleria just walked into the Sunwell Plateau and the Sunwell PITCHED A FIT ABOUT IT AND NEARLY BLEW UP? Yeah, don’t worry, that actually didn’t happen and you can do it too. Here, take a consecrate button and go nuts.”

^ This is the type of reasoning that people are using to say this type of lore is what totally makes off-brand warlocks playable.


And until he did that, Blizz specifically said they envisioned Forsaken Priests as only Shadow Priests, but couldn’t lock them to only Shadow for mechanical reasons in the game. They were telling you they were easing up on their previous stance.

This ^ was their explanation. In this case, they at least GAVE one. In the case of these new combos, they’ve just given up on even explaining it.


They still neec to give flying back to druids.

Honestly its silly that they removed flying and for what reason blizzard??
And why is there no reason??
Now that is laziness

druids will fly when the demon hunters and drachtyr fly.

Wish wow expansion were based of Hearthstone expansions.

Wow have consistently failed grand epic stories so might as well try to settle with something more light-hearted.

How dare this thing that doesnt affect me or my gameplay at all happen. How dare. The audacity.

They’re not forcing you to make warlocks in the races they’re unlocking them for. Just like they won’t be forcing you to make toons in any other race/class combos they may unlock.

If “the dream” is lack of player agency, then, my dude, that’s a pretty crappy dream.

I’ll be over here enjoying my Dranei Warlock, thank you, I’ve been wanting to play an Eredar since Legion. Be cool if they added red skin tones for them.


Honestly I have 0 problems with that. I don’t want them creating a void paladin. Spend those resources creating new content or a void based class. It isn’t a paladin if it’s wielding the void. Give me the light, and moar classes moar races

I can’t wrap my head around this. Why not just play a Blood Elf then?