I’m confused, how is this related to the current topic?
Dual spec is bad mmmkay
I am opposed to dual-spec as it was in wrath but there are ways it could be added that would be palatable.
Things I’d be OK with:
PVP vs PVE spec where you changed specs when going into bg/arena
Dual-spec where only spec A or B could be used in a single instance lockout
Saving templates at the class trainer so you didn’t have to click all the buttons every time (still a 50g respec cost but no cost to unlock these templates)
Any of these implementations wouldn’t wreck hybrid specs or change raid balance.
Guarantee you people will spend more on a 1k one time fee to get dual spec, than they will spend on actually respeccing. Lots of people just never respec because they don’t want to deal with the 50g fee, but will happily fork over 1k for the ability to swap between two specs whenever they like. Blizzard themselves stated a while back that it proved to be a better gold sink than respec costs.
Their retail changes to arenas kind of blow that argument out of the water.
So do hybrid characters just never raid after wrath? I guess not since apparently dual spec invalidates them according to hyperbole.
I mean my spec becomes obsolete in wrath. You are thinking of Hybrids like a Paladin but that is not a hybrid spec but a hybrid class. The difference is that they can Heal, DPS, or Tank but only one at a time. From wrath onwards they went with homogenization that made it difficult for classes to perform more than one role at a time.
I am talking about hybrid specs where they balance trees and can change what they are doing without changing talent trees. Dual-spec does 100% kill this playstyle off because why would you want a player that can only heal and dps at 80% efficiency in each role when you could just have them press a button and swap specs and be optimized in each role?
Please blizzard?! Promise we wont make fun of bobby’s new islands anymore.
So all these idiots screaming “play what you want” when it comes to drums, but when when it comes to dual spec, we are immediately told the opposite. Incredible.
IF you want to play meta, play meta, if not, don’t. Don’t come here and tell us that it’s a dual spec issue. You have no reason to not play what you want. I can pug as a crap geared boomkin and get in, what is your excuse?
I was for the drums change but am against the dual-spec change so not sure where you are coming from there. I know how this community is very much pushing players to adhere to the meta and it’s difficult enough as it is to go against that. The way you go against it is by showing it’s usefulness. However with dual-spec when I can just swap between Holy and Shadow and be an optimized Healer and DPS my spec has no benefit.
I HAVE been playing as this spec throughout classic so I’ve been getting in groups as well however it’s been with the understanding that I can be flexible given the encounter or if players are missing. I really don’t enjoy pugs and prefer playing with a stable group.
So, niche spec gets removed and you refuse to adhere to a changing system. All I hear is you being obstinate. The game changes, if you don’t, like life, you get left behind. So your specs irrelvant one of two ways, now in tbc, or later in wrath.
The obstinate few crying against it never fail to come back to personal feelings. It’s a shame we must kneecap the majority for the minority of niche specs cause they refuse to try anything else.
I mean yes it changes in wrath and I will have to accept it then…as I don’t plan to play past TBC. I just want one of the 2 expansions where it was viable for it to remain that way and not change the game in a way that would make it no longer so in a period where it should have been.
and what spec is this exactly? You’ve failed to actually explain it.
I play hybrid smite spec
Holy DPS spec that has a mixture of Discipline and Holy Talents that focuses on talents that benefit both healing & damage. It does comparable damage to a Shadow Priest but without as many buffs however it is far better at flexing to a healer and fulfilling that role when needed.
…I’m done. I shouldn’t get dual spec to keep that? LOL Also, your guild dislike you so much they won’t take you on anything?
Also, WITH dual spec, you can have a proper raid spec and your niche spec. So, less excuses, it actually makes you MORE viable. Not less. YOU are the only thing here refusing to be a team player which is ironic considering your spec.
My spec is not the only example of such an occurence I just am speaking from personal experience. I also was offering ways dual-spec could be implemented that it would allow you EVERYTHING you want in dual-spec but without being able to swap in a raid which would harm such builds.
I don’t think my guild hates me or anything, quite the contrary in fact, I just know logic would dictate I just go dual-spec Holy/Shadow as Shadow adds more utility while I was DPSing and Holy could pump more healing when I am healing so I would be asked to change to that setup.
Also, can you explain why, in tbc, I’d want you over a shadow priest battery or a full healer anyways? Why would we not just take my boomkin who can heal in dps gear with zero issues and no dual spec?
Your fears are unfounded, dual spec wouldn’t kill your spec. You just wouldn’t get to parse with the sweats which, since you don’t play meta, shouldn’t be an issue.
I am pretty sure the spec outdpses and outheals a boomkin. It definitely does in Classic and pretty sure it also does in TBC. Also yes boomkin aura is a benefit but smite does give IDS so it’s not like we aren’t with out an additional buff.
I mean a shadow priest and a holy priest won’t get divine spirit or improved divine spirit which means you would be getting an additional buff by bringing me. Unless you plan to keep swapping people in and out of the raid by benching people per fight you don’t get that choice. Not every fight requires the same number of healers so you swap people appropriately.
However dual-spec removes that problem because they can go full heal and full dps just by click of a button. Your boomkin wouldn’t be boomkin if they were healing with dual-spec either. They’d be swapping to Resto so the comparison isn’t appropriate. If we want to compare apples to apples you’d have to compare your boomkin healing in boomkin spec to my smite spec healing.