With so many changes, Why Not Dual Spec?

edited by acccident

I don’t see a reason to bring you. Spt buffs in my raids? Not hard to get one priest in a group of 25, cause we usually got 2 or maybe 3 depending on heals, so that’s the best you got? A spirit buff? Your specs practically irreelvant now! Good to see everyones gotta get handicapped for stuff like this though. Oh well, null point, I won’t have to have stupid convos like these come wrath cause I can respond with “it was in wrath so shut up” much easier.

spirit and spell power buff

Also you aren’t “Handicapped” because you never had this in the first place in TBC. A handicap would be if you had dual-spec originally and we were removing it.

I won’t complain come wrath as it was in wrath and I’ll need to accept it. I just am trying to keep it out of TBC.

For personal, selfish, stupid reasons, long as were clear. Cause you are not useful to any raids and simply refuse to try anything else for…idk what reason. Anyways, GL! I won’t ever see a spec like this mess in tbc when I play I am sure, but I’ll always remember it’s why we had to hinder actually useful QoL changes for it :slight_smile:

Nice to see the resorting to insults since you hate my argument and realize it’s valid but don’t like that it’s valid. You can choose to refuse to play with players like myself and that’s your prerogative.

Also I did 100% try other things during actual TBC. I decided this time around in Classic that I wanted to play something different than I did first time around. I just am looking forward to playing this spec in TBC and don’t want it wrecked by an unnecessary change to the game.

You’re getting rustled, Jimmie.

If your guild is fine to carry a smite dps priest in classic, willing to do it in tbc they would magically not be willing to do it in wrath because of dual spec?

That doesn’t make sense

Yeah I’ve discussed with you before that it’s not being carried and I pull my own weight. I’ve shown you the math on other forums so would prefer if you stop stating this non-factual statement.

You never explained why your guild would radically change their acceptance of you because of dual spec when they’re fine with a weird non mainstream spec already.

It’s about being optimal vs viable.

Currently my spec will be viable and having 1 spec doing both roles could be the most optimal option in the current environment given your group dynamic. However with dual-spec it would still be viable but no longer in any scenario optimal since you can maximize either role at any time.

I wouldn’t expect anyone to be OK with it in a dual-spec world.

Then that sounds like your guild already doesn’t accept you and you should find a new one

I mean it’s possible and nobody has mentioned it to me but I highly doubt it. They seem overall happy with the performance and flexibility I bring to raids. I just want to keep the flexibility I have now and not have to be changing between Holy & Shadow.

then don’t. Have 2 wild specs to choose from

That would not make logical sense to do. It would be better to swap between the two most specialized specs and any raid leader would prefer I did that. It is possible I could still be invited to raids even if I did that but at that point I would be actively bringing the raid down.

It would be better to be a specialized spec right now, and yet you aren’t and your guild is fine with it.

Follows they would be fine in wrath too

We are talking about TBC not Wrath. In Wrath they change the talent trees around so the spec is no longer viable so I will be forced to change if I wish to continue playing at that time. Also dual-spec will be added at that time so I’d have to accept it.

Also you are acting like anything that isn’t 100% meta is OK to bring to a raid. There is a magnitude of acceptability. As long as a spec is within a certain level of performance it should be OK to bring to a raid given potential alternatives for the player given their class and options open to them.

Being a specialized spec (either Holy or Shadow) would mean needing me to be benched when we need another Healer or DPS given the fight. Dual-spec means this is no longer needed and you could have the perfect raid comp without switching players on every fight (small nerf to the content)

Benching players is never ideal as players miss out on gearing opportunities and over-recruiting for the raid team so many guilds will just choose to go with the slgihtly less optimal comp. Just because they make this choice now doesn’t mean they’d have any need to do so with Dual-Spec in the game.

Again…you are not as optimized as either spec right now in classic.

You are even less optimized in tbc but your guild is still willing to raid with you as some sort of holy dps hybrid…it follows you would just be fine with or without dual spec

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But with dual-spec I have the easy option to just swap specs whenever I want. I am not sure how to explain this any better.

Imagine you have been given eating utensils.
You have 3 options, A Fork, A Spoon, or a Spork
The Spork is only useful given the Fork and Spoon aren’t both an option as it can do the jobs of the spoon better than the fork and the jobs of the fork better than the spoon.

However the moment you are allowed 2 options you would pick Fork & Spoon every time and never pick the Spork as the Spork is not as good at either task individually.

They’ve changed drums, added a cosmetic mount, a boost, and have a completely new PVP system (never before used in retail or TBC lol). . .

After all these changes, it’s funny to see people worried about the minimal impact dual spec would have.


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