With Blizzard Paying Attention: What (Realistic) Changes Do You Still Want?

Revert most of the conveniences they allowed;

  • Free spec swapping.
  • Free talent swapping.
  • Multi-main stat gear.
  • Easy Access to Flying.

I’ll toss one (probably unrealistic) option on the pile:

Allow previous content to scale, so we can still enjoy older content at max levels.

Implementation may vary, but functionally I’d love to see something similar to what they’re doing with M+ Legion Timewalking, for every expansion. And eventually for the raids (and flex size) as well. Current Timewalking raids are pretty awful, some of the bosses don’t work, and the rewards are generally useless.

I don’t even mind if they’re on a rotation, I just would love to have those old zones back as something I could see in end-game quality content.

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Realistic? Hmmm, I would seriously like them to stop making arch dig sites so bloody huge. Not all of us play a druid (yes, I know) and having to mount up over and over because the site is too large for walking is very annoying.

Imo, reduce the size of all sites OR make mounting up instantaneous while in dig sites. Or both.

Other realistic things that I want: for a small group of QA to go over EVERY SINGLE PIECE of gear in the game and try it on every single playable race in the game. The fact that tons of equipment don’t even fit our characters is embarrassing.

For travel to be optimized. Why am I afk going from one place to another when you can speed up long distance flights? Why am I still flying from one SL zone to another when we can just port there? Why are lowbies punished by having most of their playtime relegated to travel (via long flights to the places we want to level/by not having ports to all main cities, etc)?

change/update the new player leveling experience.
it gets confusing for people new to the game to try and figure out the story on what’s happening in the game. when starting in the previous expansion, new alliance players don’t know who the hell Jaina Proudmoore is, and when they go to Boralus to try and bring in Kul’Tiras into the fold, we both get arrested for what, exactly? It’s an interesting plot point for a story, but players won’t get to experience that plot point fulfill itself to the end, because they’ll be told “Ok, time to go to Shadowlands, our leaders you know nothing about, have no interest in, got kidnapped by the villain who’s more like a saturday night cartoon that’s more annoying than an actual threat. Time to stop playing in this part of the game and continue on in the new, current expansion.”
Fix the new player experience so that they can see the FULL STORY of whichever previous expansion they decide to level in. Do it like Final Fantasy XIV, where you don’t get the quest to go into the next expansion UNTIL YOU FINISH THE STORY OF THE ONE YOU’RE LEVELING IN. Let them experience and finish one story before shoving the plot of another down their throat.

A new expansion.

Fixing shoulderpads is pretty high up on my personal list. https://twitter.com/Afennelphina/status/1423436867073044481

I’d honestly really want the end game, not being the main game when there is so many options to make the starting place of the game much more appealing to new players, or returning ones.

There’s too much skips for the sake of getting to the end content and the story is just so jumbled right now, how can anyone really understand it?

It’s probably unrealistic, but I’d like to do hard old school content, I personally always wanted to do mythic+ BRD or Maraudon, revamp the old dungeons to current content so we can have a reason to go back and explore Azeroth.

I honestly don’t like the cosmic, godlike story direction WoW is turning to, why does everything need to be explained? For me, the mystery behind Elune is interesting. Certain things, don’t always need to be explained, a mystery, being a mystery is fun, plus fans coming up with fun theories is a fun read, at least for me it is.

Lastly, I hope the dragonflights make a comeback, especially the nether dragons.

Can I just say how confused I was rejoining AFTER War of Thorns? I was completely confused on how the lore moved from point A to point B. I started hearing people talk about WoT, scratching my head, I legit tried to find the starting questline after wrapping up legion.

I was damn disappointed to learn that all playable content is gone. There wasn’t even a NPC to recap the events. I had to go to YouTube to learn Teldrassil was burned. Like these weren’t small lore moments, they were huge and continue to impact the story today. For such important lore to be ripped out of game because “you weren’t there” is just really bad game play.

Lore should always be replayable.

Hand over the project to Russian cyber pirates.

I’d trust them to do a better job than Blizzard now days.

If it had to be one thing, it would be more server merges and better quality servers to sustain them. I think it could also be done strategically to balance some issues with “Faction Imbalance” as well.

Comp Stomp put on a monthly rotation. Even, if they have to reduce the amount of honor you get from them some. Time walk dungeons twice a month. Like doing those more than current content dungeons. Last thing, or maybe first–> Give Nightborne a tunic option for the heritage armor!