With Blizzard Paying Attention: What (Realistic) Changes Do You Still Want?

lol a new player faces constant indignities, hahaha - just because they can’t get a cosmetic when there are thousands of others they can get. If that chases people away from the game it is a good thing.

that sounds like major projection to me - I would love to see these ‘new’ players that feel that way come post on this forum.

It was. But since there seems to be some confusion, let me clarify.

Both in terms of pugging, and in terms of finding an active raiding guild both at the time slot and progression level you want, Alliance need help, because this was a problem in Legion and things have gotten much worse since then.

I don’t like the idea of cross faction grouping, as I think the twin factions give the game character. But there is nothing else Blizzard can do here, and due to their mistakes, character will need to be sacrificed for the good of the game.

That’s the thing. See below:

I’m saying it’s irrelevant. If they really feel that their item is less valuable because other people have access to it, then that is an issue with their mentality, not the game. It’s the same people that complained when Naxx 2.0 was added in Wrath, as this ‘devalued’ their achievement of getting access to the old raid, people that complained when attunements were removed, when badge gear was added, when LFD was added, etc.

I have no problem giving them a title or a FOS to show off. Hell, give them a mount.

But when you can’t make the character you want in a game about making the character you want, not because you aren’t willing to do the work, but because you don’t have a time machine - that can become another reason not to even play.

As I said earlier in this thread, there is a definite correlation between increased time-sensitive content and the plummeting player numbers. It’s probably not the only reason, but I think it’s reasonable to believe that it is a reason.

No, it’s just a hot-button topic on the forum right now, and one that I would like to see Blizzard consider.

Frankly, I’d be much more worried about anyone who can only enjoy having a sportscar if their neighbor isn’t allowed to have one.

If you aren’t willing to trade a small bit of personal bragging rights to help a lot of other players enjoy the game a whole lot more, and certainly get rid of one of the major things that drives new players away from WoW - that’s entitlement.

This is the thing. I know from my own experiences that nothing turns me off a new MMO like making my character, finding several options for customizations that would let me get my ‘look’ right and then finding out that those aren’t available anymore.

Removal of so much content to pamper a small minority of existing players is at the expense of new players. You can tell yourself you’re worth it. But where are all those new players who are supposed to be quaking in their boots and lining up to pay for a lifelong subscription so they can be just like the veterans who blame them for not having subscribed before they ever heard of the game?

Time limited rewards and removed content make a few players feel special at the expense of the long-term health of the game. There is way too much removed from the game. The idea that 100% of players who have that stuff support removal of all the best stuff is baseless. I have mage tower appearances. I hate making new players feel bad by having to explain to them that the coolest thing in the game is unobtainable.

Do you like making new players feel really bad about the game and the community? Yes or no.

It isn’t irrelevant at all because that is one reason people quit playing. The game is no longer rewarding.

The problem with you people, you can only see your wants and you probably have never really put yourself out to get something to only have it made easier for other people later. That is time you will never get back.

this is meaningless to some people. again you don’t get to decide what other people should be happy with when they were promised one thing when they did the content

lol, there actually isn’t - they had time limited content in classic and BC and the game kept increasing in player numbers.

As others have pointed out, that’s simply not true.

Consider druids.

They have exactly one guardian option that isn’t a bear, and two feral versions that aren’t just a cat.

They also have only a handful of visual options at all.

But there’s another issue. As, again, others have also mentioned, a big part of what attracts players to an MMO is making the character you want. And when you start locking them out of things permanently, just because they are new, it makes them less likely to want to keep playing.

Right now, Blizzard needs all the players it can get.

So…wait. You’d rather see WoW bleed out and new players just…not play, if that means letting other people have access to a recolored version of a nice thing you have?

I’m not sure ‘entitled’ quite covers it. That’s just being a spoiled brat.

Personally, I think that the more people playing WoW, the better. It means that Blizzard has more resources to put into top tier raiding content. The last time the elitists won was Cata, and it ended up costing you an entire raid tier once Blizzard overcorrected the other way.

I’m one.

Not in WoW, but certainly in other games.

Nothing puts me off a game faster than realizing I’m going to lose out on tons of things permanently just because I’m new.

What is?

The game is plenty rewarding. There are hundreds of things for you to earn.

You mean ‘people who aren’t massive elitists’? Okay, go on.

Sure I have. Plenty of times.

Just the other day they put in a wheelchair elevator at my workplace. And I’ve been climbing those stairs for ages!

If I enjoyed the content I was doing, then it was time well spent.

If I didn’t enjoy the content I was doing and was instead doing it purely to avoid on losing out on something cool, then that’s an argument for my side here. Surely games are about having fun?

You mean ‘meaningless to me’. Just say it.

And you don’t get to decide that I should be happy with either. Which is why we have these forums - so that we can give feedback about parts of the game that make us unhappy.

Like what, exactly?

Vanilla and BC were years before transmog was a thing, or Blizzard knew they were making Naxx 2.0. Stuff like the staff was never meant to be permanent visual options.

Again, there are some things that work for time sensitive content. Achievements. Titles. Mounts. Because two of these things aren’t important visual options for our characters, and the third - we’ve got hundreds of those to choose from.

How many form options do druids have again?

Dear S̶a̶n̶t̶a̶ Blizzard,

Here is my wish list:

  • Stop time-gating flying. Pathfinder is great because of the account-wide unlock. But there should be a choice between paying per character at level cap OR Pathfinder. There should also be a Pathfinder-specific quest chain to unlock it that is open-world PvE only, and available to be completed when the expansion launches on Day 1. Incentivize it with a mog set that’s for all armor types like the Heritage sets. And along with the mount have a matching flying pet.

  • Do more Warfront-like group instanced content. I don’t like raids and dungeons because of the drama, and wait to do that content years after an expansion when I can solo it. Warfronts however, attracted a much different group and were a blast! More please.

  • Bring back the reputation assist mechanics that help make rep grinds easier along the lines of those that were in place during Wrath and Mists.

  • Fix scaling in Legacy content, especially raids and dungeons. There’s no reason Legion content (and BfA a year after SL launch) shouldn’t be soloable at this point. Timewalking is great for those that want it. But for players like me who play the game to relax and avoid drama and stress, there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to solo legacy content for mogs, pets, mounts, and to finally see the content.

  • Freshen up the Faction element with getting rid of the language barrier and adding sub factions like all Elves in one, Orcs in another, Trolls in another, etc, and maybe even give professions factions.

  • Red eye color choice for Blood & Void Elves.

There’s more… but I desperately need sleep.


Nail colors for races!


For the wish cricket, don’t chase him - stand in front of him/in his path and he will stop when he runs into you.

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No to tower mogs. Recolor or otherwise.

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Another change I’d like to see is to let older enchantments, etc. still work on newer gear. Even something like the temporary buff things that you can put on weapons (forgot the name, sorry) that was all the rage back in ye olde classic. Professions have been gutted quite a bit so let us use the legion neck enchants, shoulder inscriptions, etc. with our shiny new gear.

ne paladin and neutra Sethrak and new career!

Stop gating cross realm mythic raids behind the hall of fame achievement.

Mythic raiding just flat out needs to be more accessible, especially when the current raid tier is as easy as it is on heroic. M+ kids get to spam easy content and actually get rewarded for failing, but raiders can’t do the content they want to. It’s stupid.

Character deletion, account deletion due to family squabbles.
I saw this happen twice in Vanilla when both SO’s played but then the relationship went sour.
Epic stuff.
Where blood is concerned smack gets real lol

I’d love it if Blizzard made it to where all loot obtained under Legacy rules from old content becomes Bind on Account. So if, for example, I am running through Molten Core on this character and I get a drop from the Cenarion set, I can send it to Druid for transmog.

Nothing just finish up with shadowlands so we can swiftly move onto whatever is next.


Who am I kidding.

This game ain’t going to do any of that lol.

I would ask for opening chromie time to 60.

The death of scaling.