With Blizzard Paying Attention: What (Realistic) Changes Do You Still Want?

It seems that we have a narrow window where Blizzard are paying attention to the forums again, and actively implementing a variety of suggestions and called-for changes. Some I agree with, some I don’t. But I do get the feeling that we need to strike while the iron is hot.

So, what changes/additions do you still want to see, either in 9.1.5 or before the end of Shadowlands?

For me:

  • Consolidate more servers. Far too many are still ridiculously underpopulated.

  • Something to help Alliance out with the endgame. Cross realm grouping is the only solution I can think of, but maybe there’s another way? Thanks to Blizzards negligence during MoP, the situation is now too bad for a purely social solution, unfortunately.

  • There is too bloody much stuff that has been removed from the game. If we can have timewalking raids and content that scales with our item level, it can’t be that hard to keep stuff in the game and have it scale so that it’s not ridiculously easy. FF recently threw it’s players a bone by allowing them to obtain a cool, limited time event item again and this was very well received.

This doesn’t mean that titles or achievements all need to come back, but cool stuff like the MT tower mogs are a common request - recolor them if you have to.

  • The old shadowform for priests.

More Glyphs.

And I agree, restore old removed content in the form of timewalking or as a section in the caverns of time. They may no longer reward the same things as before, but it keeps the story intact.


Yeah. I used to main a priest, but changed classes as I hated the new shadowform and missed my Glyph of Ravens.

Glyphs would be a perfect way to bring these back.

Of course I’d love to see ‘fixes’ for systems, but I have no idea how to even start on that or what’s truly broken. I just know I don’t like current end game…

Glyph and class specific customisation like how DH and DKs have special skins and eye options available.

  • Warlocks having some fel scarred options. Fel coloured eyes.
  • Mages having fire/ice/arcane eyes and tattoos.
  • LEGION DEMON GLYPHS for Warlocks.
  • More Ghost wolf forms for Shaman.
  • Solid fur colour for Pandaran like white or black.
  • Steward Moonkin form.

It’s surprising that they didn’t do that in Legion, actually.

This is a fantastic idea.


“Realistic” is hard, as I wasn’t expecting some of the things we’re actually getting soon to ever be put in.

I think cross-faction (walk-in, non-queued) instanced PvE would be my #1 request, if I could pick any. I’d actually trade 50% of the features coming in 9.1 for it.

On the transmog front, if we’re really breaking the emergency glass, loosening transmog to one adjacent armor class (plate could xmog mail, etc) would be pretty massive. I’d love to xmog some cloth items on my leather wearers. I’d settle for some “skirts” (where your character still has legs).

More realistically, “lots of cosmetic glyphs”, I suppose. The glyph system used to be such a fun thing, and now each class is down to a handful of mostly boring choices. Maybe some more silly titles to earn via achievements too?


I actually don’t want any of that stuff. Your ‘fixes’ end up ruining the game for others.


I would be happy if they addressed PvP gearing imbalance, and did something to help non-rated non-competitive players not feel like second class citizens in the game.

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Indeed, what is “realistic”?

I would rather see changes that indicate a new development philosophy than having cosmetics thrown at us and old content repurposed for max levels.

When they stop treating alts, casuals, and especially casual PvPers like the original sin I’ll believe they are sincere rather than just trying to sucker people into that next 6 month sub they will live to regret.


at this point, just make 1 giant server with random sharding.

night elf paladins

someone who has never played at the start of an expansion on a full server

Obviously more void elf customization will fix the game. That’s what people want there’s about 10-15 threads on this just on the front page. This is obviously the biggest problem with the game and needs to be addressed.

I would say more events that are fun and usual .i like the march of the murlocs events something like that.


I personally wouldn’t ask them for too much, especially when they’re dealing with other stuff at the moment, but if I were to pitch in with a few ideas, I would perhaps request:

  • Merging realms so the world would feel fuller
  • Merging factions (get rid of factions, fuller world, faster and fuller queues)
  • Increase the character cap on any single realm (so we can have all our alts on one realm and can send them items like bags and gold and what have you).

Ability to buy 252 conduits without needing tier 6 archivist

Find and hire creative talents for all phases of the game.

Completely separate PVP from PVE so that pve contents and mechanics can exist in peace without balancing issues.


Stop catering to out-of-game identity politics. It just serves to further divide the community without providing any positive benefit.

Concentrate on generating a higher quality of in-game story. If you want to sell books and merch, that’s fine. But all of the lore in books should also be available IN GAME.

Make game content more player-friendly with regards to time invested. That is to say, either offer more rewards or require less time. Right now the amount of time investment to complete 100% of the rewards from a piece of content is absurd.

Make game systems more “evergreen” and use less “borrowed power”. That way players will be free to choose to interact with these systems, rather than feeling forced.


That would be fantastic.

  • I’d like to be able to send non-BoA stuff to my characters on the other faction.
  • Vanilla WoW dungeons timewalking
  • The ability to rename Warlock pets
  • The ability to dye our gear
  • Professions made less worthless. Heck, I’d be fine if, for example, my tailor could make cosmetic gear only available via professions.
  • Alliance Furbolgs