With Blizzard Paying Attention: What (Realistic) Changes Do You Still Want?

I want Void Elves removed

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Absolutely not. This would be the nail in the coffin for the RP community.

A server connection of some kind, my server was forgotten. :frowning:

I would like many things but this is the most likely for my community who want it too.

Probably a lot if I sat here thinking about it for awhile, but off the top of my head…

More customizations for all races, tattoos, facial hair, mech body parts for more than mechagnomes and for single limbs or one side of the face etc.

More themed pets to tame, mech, fire, skeletal, cursed.
Straight backs for all races.

Would like them to fix being able to solo old raids and dungeons that people are now struggling with and shouldn’t. I think by now all classes should be able to easily solo all levels of Legion raids and dungeons and should at least be able to solo all BFA dungeons. That said, I can’t say I’ve tried all of them, so there could be many that can do that already, but I do see people commenting that it’s still difficult for some that shouldn’t be anymore.

At least 10 more slots opened up for characters. I am not one of those people that can easily delete level 60 characters or race change or any of that, I like almost 99% of my characters and would never change them, so 10 more slots would be great, especially if or when they give us new races.

Saberon as a new race.

That’s it for now, lol. /shrug


Not for me. I don’t raid. If we’re voting, I’m voting no.

They did? Oh nice! ^.^

Three YEARS ago Blizzard promised the Guild leaders posting here: The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes - #4702 by Fumel-arathor
that they (Blizzard) would fix the granular guild permissions that Ion claimed Blizzard broke by accident (while creating communities) thus turning guild permissions into the simplistic (and for many guild leaders) the completely unusable ‘‘is officer’’ check box.

Blizzard also asked those same guild leaders of the guild permissions ‘‘mega-thread’’ to offer up their ideas / suggestions / feedback etc… regarding improvements that they Blizzard could make to guilds.

MANY ideas and suggestions have been given over the last three years, yet Blizzard remains on complete radio silence…

I truly hope and pray that Blizzard is now ‘‘paying attention’’ as the OP states. That they will finally not only listen to their players, but keep the promises that they have already made to those players.


Most people who belong to guilds still need to pug most of their content.

Sure, if you’re a star raider, or you’re in one of the top cliques (which are probably exactly the same), you’ll never have issues finding a group to do whatever content you want.

But if you’re not in what is a small minority in any guild that accepts players who are not raiders, you’re going to be pugging everything. When you ask in the guild for help, the good people are busy working on their own progression, or logged off. The people who volunteer aren’t at your level and aren’t ready to help you, but might be offended if you declined them, because you’re guildies.

Just last night I was playing a character in an active guild. Someone asked for help with a key. The only person willing to help them wouldn’t do it because they weren’t willing to do any pug content, and the key holder would have had to bring in pugs. So the keyholder went to start a pug group, which failed.

I’m also not sure that a Horde player can really be objective on this.

Customizable boomkin forms - period. Choice of different colors, different horn/antler combos, etc. Different colors are already in the game (like the Moontouched boomkins in Winterspring), let us USE them!
And add back MOP glyph of Stars. The blue smurf-druid is just awful…

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  • Restore Master Loot for Guild runs
  • Revert Heirloom gear to their pre nerf XP bonus state
  • Offer one week of FREE faction transfers (Horde to Alliance only) to mitigate faction imbalance
  • Auction House: Enforce a 15 minute moratorium between canceling and reposting items
  • Unlock Korthia gear upgrades account wide once Tier 6 is reached and removed renown requirements
  • Fix the NF covenant gear appearance for Zandalari Females that has been broken since launch

but by far the most important change they can make:

  • Give Worgen (optional) tails !

#GiveWorgenTails :wolf:

  • MANY more glyphs, I want to be able to be an elunian or naaru preist or a Black frost DK.
  • More old content brought back like scaled raids that we can do for relevant rewards.
  • Better and proper talent/class/legendary balancing. Some talents and legendries still are useless and need either reworks or proper buffs.
  • More race customization. (These recent ones are a great start)
  • Allow cross faction grouping/raiding/world content and remove faction tagging.

This is my wishlist for the rest of SL. Hopefully some of them are ticked off.

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I thought OP was talking about this in their second point. I still don’t understand what they were saying since it appears they weren’t. Also, please read the entire conversation if you are going to start in the middle and take something out of context. I know people pug other content, although I disagree with your claim - most people in guilds still need to pug most of their content because that sure doesn’t happen in any guilds I am in.

in this - what is OP even talking about. Unless they meant cross faction. I did question them but nothing more.

Not really.

If somebody got something during Legion, they have had use of that item for 2 full expansions. That’s actually not nothing.

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you still can’t decide for someone else whether that is ‘enough’ of a reward for them or not. Some people put their lives on hold in order to do what blizzard claimed was ‘time limited’ content. They probably wouldn’t have if they knew blizzard was going to cave into complaints and bring it back.

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It makes me feel bad to have to explain to someone that that thing I have is no longer obtainable. Does it make you feel good to make new players feel really bad? Asking for a friend.

Another MT thread in disguise.

Anyone who feels emotionally upset that they can’t have an exclusive item has a much, much larger real-world issue to deal with.

there were lots of things I missed when I started and it is a oh well - people need to stop being so entitled.

And you can decide how much disappointment a new player who faces constant indignities should be willing to put up with to prove their worth to a malignant stranger like you? Seriously. If you want to eliminate new players from the game, you’re doing it right. Just give them intentionally bad advice and tell them they’re worthless losers for not having subscribed before they were born.

There is way too much time-limited stuff removed from the game. There is so much content/story removed to make people feel even more special that the game just seems broken to a new player. Why should someone who has little invested in the game not say, “Screw this broken game. These players are jerks for treating me like a worthless loser. I’m going top find a game that doesn’t encourage veteran players to treat me like dirt”?

Forum Moderator Note: Inappropriate remark removed.

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